Just found this guy?

My husband just brought this guy home. Actually, Not sure if it's a hen or a rooster. We have passed this bird along with a few others on a road we travel occasionally. Never knew where they belonged but today when my husband drove by and this guy was just laying down and the other chickens were pecking at it. So my husband picked him up and brought him home thinking he is probably hurt. He can stand as you can see in one of the pictures but I'm just wondering what he is and if it looks like a rooster or a hen. He is very calm, let my husband walk right up to him and pick him up. I also attached some pictures of his very large comb which is got a lot of black specks on it that I assume are from the other birds picking on it and also attached pictures of his feet. I haven't washed them yet to see if that might just be mud and will wash off. Or could this be bumblefoot? I've never dealt with that before. He's very beautiful. He has what's left of a long tail. He is 16" tall. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
We just weighed him and he is 4 lb 9 oz. He looks very big but clearly the significantly underweight. What we have on hand right now is 16% layer crumble scratch grains, 18% starter crumble, Grub worms. I also have multiple different supplements that we used when we rescued Ethel, such as nutri drench and other vitamins. Him being a rooster, does he need a specific feed other than what the girls are getting. Also, is he a barred rock?
Definitely a male. And seems to be a barred rock!
4# 9 oz, but he has a full crop now. I'll make sure it empties overnight and get him some All Flock tomorrow.
Thank you so much for saving the poor thing. I hope he gets better! He's super underweight.
1 other thing I noticed is that he doesn't really have a "spur". Is it common for people to cut them off like they do a puppies dew claws?
Those spurs look normal for a young bird. The spurs can grow blunt like wooden pegs at first and then sharpen after they're quite a bit larger from layers flaking off and forming a point. The feet do look a little off to me after being cleaned - specifically those dark spots near the ends of the toes. That looks like some kind of small injury to me but I'm not sure what it would be unless it's tiny frostbite spots like someone else mentioned - it looks like his comb has some frostbite so maybe he got some patches on his toes too. That could be why he doesn't want to stand.
The coloring on his feet may be from frost bite. If it is severe the toes could blacken and fall off. I pray that this rooster feet are not frost bitten that badly. I've had this happen with guineas. It took several months until the toes actually came off, but didn't seem to affect them much at all once the toe tips came off .
Poor little guy. Hope with your care he can pull through.
I would try giving him a mash made with the 18% starter you have on hand - the higher protein will likely appeal to him and the mash is easy to digest. Probably a good idea to mix some yoghurt in with the mash to help his gut.
The coloring on his feet may be from frost bite. If it is severe the toes could blacken and fall off. I pray that this rooster feet are not frost bitten that badly. I've had this happen with guineas. It took several months until the toes actually came off, but didn't seem to affect them much at all once the toe tips came off .
I sure hope it doesn't come to that. He ate a few bites of some wet cat food this morning. Headed out shortly to get him a bag of All Flock. But if he doesn't start eating, we are prepared to tube feed him like we did with our last rescue Ethel, if necessary. I feel like maybe he is just really weak. He can stand but won't for long so maybe he just doesn't have the energy???
Thank you for tagging me, and thank you for taking care of him. He was once beautiful and soon will be again under your care. Make sure as others have said that he is eating and drinking. Once he gets some food in him and rehydrated he will perk up. Try to keep him on layer pellets so he can get the nutrients he needs, the tuna, eggs and mealworms are good options too. Only time will tell with the frostbite, but I have seen worse so best just to work on keeping him safe and fed. Please keep us posted!
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