Rosecomb Thread

Anyone going to have hatching test eggs ect in spring? I'm hoping to cut down on what have now and get n set some brooding eggs.

rosecombryan,and msbear, especially PM me with prices on shipping ect estimates..
this is his dad. Was hoping he would take after him :)
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this is his dad. Was hoping he would take after him
That is one good looking cock bird.

Anyone going to have hatching test eggs ect in spring? I'm hoping to cut down on what have now and get n set some brooding eggs.

rosecombryan,and msbear, especially PM me with prices on shipping ect estimates..
I do not plan to hatch or raise many Black or Blue this coming year, The Birchen I have been working toward should pan out next year with the last generation coming out with good heads, combs, spikes, body and feather so far. They will be late for hatching males off but have some pullets for next winters shows.
I was hoping oddly for basic blacks as the trio i saw at an auction for first time, and egg dropped in front of me that gave out just short of hatching, what got me back into chickens. now have bantam americanas (i love the spaz of color coming out on cockerels, and great med colorful egg ability of these). porcelain and mille D'feur Belgium D'Uccles. Curious why no on breeds porcelain into rosecombs..???

I have three dutch hens who need a roo and wount take to other breeds, so hoping for rosecomb roo to do duty and make fertile eggs out of finally happy dutch bantam hens. thought of just trying to get extra rosecomb roo shipped to give good home to (on three acre hobby farm with access. to more), but assuming would be very expensive.

Amyone ever get any decent quality cocks out of hatchery stock eggs or chicks, ect? if so who?
i bought my very first rosecomb from a hatchery. he was so friendly, would sit on my shoulder and come running when i called him. i showed him for 3 years before he passed away. he got grand champion 2 years in a row at my 4h show and also won best of breed at the red cedar poultry show. my new rooster i bought from t&t rosecombs at a show, he is soooo mean its unbelieveable lol

this is the only pic i have of him :( we also have some really really bad looking hatchery rosecombs.
they were all from McMurray, i just got lucky with him. we ordered 25 rosecombs and he was the nicest one from that batch, i have a friend and if she wants a new breed she orders around 200 chicks and picks only 3 or 4 from that
Sounds like hatching eggs or chicks from private keeper maybe best on my "budget" later. lol. i hear the most good stuff in general seeming to come fro murray mcmurray hatchery, and they seem pretty decently priced, but they don't follow any standards for breeds it seems, and don't show offered breed pics for most, so no idea of what general look to expect.
they were all from McMurray, i just got lucky with him. we ordered 25 rosecombs and he was the nicest one from that batch, i have a friend and if she wants a new breed she orders around 200 chicks and picks only 3 or 4 from that
that roo came from a McMurray order?!!!? Holy... that's very hard to believe. He's spectacular

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