Rosecomb Thread


Is this a rose comb? I got it from pdsavage as a hatching just one of the bachelors in the coop with three other roos from that hatch!
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I have some BBRed Rosecombs (5 roos and 1 hen
) Anyway, all the sudden, the hen is starting to leak white feathering around her head. She was absolutely gorgeous before this happened. I'm crushed. Has anyone else had this happen?

I'll get some pics when my grandson gets home.

Here are some pics of my new babies ! Just got them today ! I got four pullets & 1 older rooster, he's in molt. They are a bit dirty, they were living in pens with lots of other young birds.







The rooster wouldn't hold still. XD The last pic I thought was cool looking. Sorry for the quality, they were taken on a cell phone ! :O
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AH!! Give those poor things a bath!!
put a heat light on them and keep them indoors overnight to be sure they are thoroughly dry.

Chicken People, I do not think that is a rosecomb bantam.. .it may be some sort of rosecombed variety of fowl but, that comb is rather wierd... maybe it's a cross of a straight comb and rosecombed variety and it's just an extremely poor rose comb.

TT, I've heard that stress can bring on white feathers. I had one narrowly escape the hawk of death and sure enough... couple months later, white feathers popped up in her wings.

Terrilhb, the main thing about a rosecomb is that... it has a ROSE COMB so.. no

PyncheonGuy, a SB dutch would be ideal but, unfortunately I believe they are extremely rare to non existent in the US. The coop is an awesome forum with lots of genetic gurus on there but, unfortunately for us, most are from the UK, Austrailia and NZ.
Found it...I just went to the Dutch Bantam Societys website and looked under "breeders"....Steve Shafer in Tn. and Wayne Gritter in In. both have Self Blue Dutch....great cross for Self Blue Rosecombs.
I was going to give the new babies a bath, but it's winter time. I have one heat lamp at the moment & it's on chicks.
So tomorrow I might bring them in & clean their tails up with a wash cloth.

When spring rolls around, they will be getting baths.

My one black girl has had no white until this molt. She was moved to another pen and picked on, which made her stressed. Yep, theres white on the tips of her wings now. Basically a stress spot

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