Rosecomb Thread

Keep your fingers crossed for me my very first batch of Rosecombs are set to hatch on the 30th everyone appears to be going strong, Im having 100%fertility so everything looks good for the next few weeks:) cant wait to get some out!!!
Did you get them at the Gilmanor swap? They look very healthy and in great condition. And, it's pretty difficult to find this variety. I haven't seen them around much.

I'd need to get a closer look at the head to really see but, from what I CAN see, I would say they are decent but nothing great type wise. The hen looks like she has nice body type with her prominent breast, short back and nice tail set but I cannot see any white lobes. She may be young or they may be small... should be pretty pronounced. And, by looking at the male, Im assuming they're there ... just too small because his is too small and doesn't have nice shape and has red in it. His comb isn't great either. It should have a nice sweep to is and be a bit wider in the front and taper back to a point like this guy that now belongs to Matt

Rosecombs are judged mostly on their heads so that's the area we need to focus on when selective breeding

Don't feel bad. The black variety has a ton of breeders working on them and it's easy to find great birds to outcross to etc. The birds you have are a starting point if you're interested in working with them. I would do some research and see how destructive a black rosecomb would be to the duckwing pattern and maybe consider outcrossing. Good Luck.

Im in your boat with the wheaten variety
As you can see in this boy, his head is no where near my blacks... so, it''ll take time but, to me, the end result will be much more gratifying
i did get them at the gilmanor swap. i got them from the same man i got my wheatons from. he had birchen roosters, and black hens, all rosecombs, but i chose to get these out of them.

i will take better pics of there head this afternoon.

she does have white ear lobes, its just the way there she is sitting, i dont think they are very large though. ill take better pics this afternoon.
I rearranged my pens today. Put my boy from Leslie in with my wheatens to hopefully get a great outcross to put back to wheaten.

awe... you can see my old rosecomb roo in the background... missing his girls
He's now retired to free range. You can also see my bad little brats getting into the other coop while they know Im preoccupied... little devils!

I still have my favorite girl from last year's hatch (all the way to the left) in there hoping to get some more good blacks.

and ole faithful is the black gal in the middle. She's probably 5 but still puts out eggs and always gave me decent birds when crossed to my old roo... though he was from her line. Im anxious to see what all this mixing up will give me.

I have quite a few hatching out now and have a ton ready for the bator. This year my birds really didn't start laying until late February and I didn't get fertile eggs til just a few weeks ago.
Just a heads up but you might want to make it so that you can identify which bird laid which egg because all of the offspring from the pen will be black except the ones from the wheatens might have some red leakage but it would hard to identify the splits from the pures if you set all the eggs together.
Hey OSU man, I've seen you around these parts
and appreciate any genetics advice as I am just a put a bird with faults to a bird that makes up for it breeder. I don't band and it's hard to decipher which egg is from whom anyway
I DID hatch some wheaten crosses last year and ALL had the red leakage. I know this for sure because the heads are so poor on the wheatens and just different that, even if the offpsring were all black, I'd be able to tell the difference.

I wasn't happy at all with the splits from last year... not enought to base a breeding program on so I culled all of them and Im really hoping this nice male will lend a hand. I also have my wheaten male in with some hens bred by Katherine Plumer... we shall see. Not only am I trying to get a jump start on head quaility by using the blacks but chick vigor has been terrible. Early deaths during incubation, not being able to zip and suseptibility to cocci plague my line of this variety. Right now I have two hens that are sneezing constantly.'s nothing that has ever transferred to my blacks... just overall poor condition and infestation of parasites. Im constantly dusting them and babying them.

The gal who sent me mine has never outcrossed and hasn't had any problems like Im having but, Im wondering if I got a few bad seeds and now it's magnified breeding them together.

Thanks again for the heads up and I'll keep a close eye to make sure no splits wind up with my blacks... And, keep your fingers crossed for some decent ones for my wheaten program... their future depends on it
have currently a show splash rosecomb cock, and one baby that is showing his comb, and personality, and was first to live out of egg from first clutch, mated to a OEG maybe mix hen. the baby is mean as snot to the game birds, but nice to the neighborhood children who love to hold carry and call the two rosecombs to them for lovin (though i think they should run! lol), and actually seem excited when the kids come over. trying to later get more rosecombs, or hens out of rooster, as love them and they started my new situation, when was given a black show rosecomb egg to try to hatch from auction yard. it didnt make it maybe due to inexperiance on my part, but almost made it! havent seen any of the stunning black, or any rosecombs around ever since... anyway to breed black rosecombs back into babies i want to breed to look at and love on from my OEG and rosecomb roo? he is just so awsome and good hubby and daddy, even to the chicks i just get and he must know not his. he has no sparring skills, but has thrown himself over chicks to protect from predators and been beaten up once trying to defend some against a giant farm cock in which he put up great fight oddly until i got there and kicked it like football to save him. he runs ragged if has hens to self to bring food to them and chicks and even me (yay?). he has even been sitting on and guarding eggs, which think odd as never heard of roo before was on BYC doing that.

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