Ross Cobs as meat birds

Again, Jenny, well said. I hope this will be the end of the criticism.
Your set up sounds really well established and very well run. I am one of the people who only do things in a small way - I have 6 chickens and 1 duck and this means we always have eggs for our own use and we sell some to friends. My husband thinks it would be good to expand when we retire as I may not have the horse by then and we will have a couple of acres to use for more birds. We will have to wait and see. I appreciate the advice of people like yourself as you have a much wider experience in the same thing I am doing so please continue to present your opinion in a fair and balanced way. Cheers.
I think that without the big factory farmers Americans would not have the variety of inexpensive meat. Poor people would suffer. SO the bigger farms do provide a necessary service, even if we don't always agree with all their methods.

Yet there is a market for the 'slow food movement' That means buying local produce and meat. Consumers who go this route are normally educated as what to expect from the meat and produce that is produced on smaller farms, with free ranged chickens.

My state, NC, is apparently friendly to such small farmers. If you get a special license(and its free, by the way) then you can sell your meat products directly to the consumer from your farm. You can not butcher what you sell to the public. But the state lists a group of processors willing to work with small farmers. Apparently there are people making a living doing this.

There is room for both type of farmers, the big and the small. I don't know why the big guys-or the smaller ones who copy the big guys- would get annoyed that people are doing things differently then them? Its not like the farms that produce meat for the slow food movement are going to be a major competitor for them.

No, I am not a liberal. I am a cross between a conservative and a libertarian.
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To anyone that I may have offended due to my feeble mind not comprehending my failures of a lifetime of raising and caring for many breeds of animals and fowls. I should not have listened to my mother as I toddled along in the daily chores of caring, feeding, collecting eggs on the family farm. Then , I should never listened to my 4H leader's rantings. Then as a teenager, I should have known better then to tag along with my Veterinarian father on his ranch calls and listen to his words on the care and treatment of animals. Then upon entering the halls of higher education, I made the mistake of listening to the uninlightned education gods. Later, I continued to make my mistakes for 5 years (of 105 Senior Veterinary students each ) to show and tell them Necropsy proceedures and obtaining Biopsies from all types of deseased beasties. Then to make matters worse, I became a stockholder and employee of a Biological laboratory. There, I had to scour the countryside for any and all large breeds of cockerals and other animals, then place them into isolated coops and runs to grow them to adulthood to be perfectly healthy roosters and beasties. Then, I had the audasity to give the roosters a life sentence in indevidual cells. Then, on a monthly bases, I did my best to snuff out their life by inserting a needle into their hearts to collect their blood so that we could manufacture blood augar plates. But , inspite of my incompetent efforts, 86% refused to die as I again and again tried on a monthly bases. However, they continued to thrive and finaly died of old age. My feeble mind could not understand why the Medical Doctors, Veterinarians, and various researchers wanted their blood auger plates to be sterile. Afterall, they contaminated each plate with smears of samples taken from their patients and you should have seen the variety of bacteria that they then grew. Then they placed a variety of antibiotic discs to kill the bacteria. I could have saved them much time and money by providing them with plates with the bacteria already growing on them by collecting blood from deseased and neglected roosters. or better yet, I could have injected the roosters full of antibiotics so that nothing would grow on the plates in the first place.. By pure blind luck, I assisted in the original experiments for the development of blood typing. But what do I know, I only followed the uninlightened scientific protocal on these roosters, rabbits, cattle, horses, and sheep. For the last decade I lived in a place where the huge numbers of predators raign supreme and I haven't even seen a feather of a wild fowl much less a domesticated one anywhere near my home. So, now with a deflated ego, my mind is finally clearing of my stupid learning and is now ready to follow the wisdom to the true path of rearing chickens when we move to a new area. Upon reaching this ideal, I too will join in to bash the big, bad, greedy and heartless corporate behemuths. Again, I apologise for causing anyone any pain or inconvenience. Ta ta for now.
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Boss Roo, I don't think anybody here said you failed at whatever you did. Nor did anybody criticize your upbringing, or life experience, jobs, etc.

You repeatedly say or imply that those of us not doing things YOUR WAY are raising diseased, sickly, unfit birds. You know that's not true, why do you continue to say it?

If you are finding our posts so extremely upsetting, I have an easy solution to your problem. Stop reading them.

I don't understand why you think anybody who uses different methods is out to get you. We're not. We're just going off doing our own thing. I hope you get over this problem you have of being so incredibly angry if somebody does something differently than you do.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Just who is bashing who here????


I was pondering that post as well. I thought PoultrySnob actually provided some facts that would be useful.


The comments in bold type are Poultry Snobs. If you don't see the insulting tone here, my pointing things out won't help.

Can we move on now?
More power to you in your own methods that work for you in your own environment. Hey, GREAT and more power to you and go off and do your own thing. I find other methods work just as well or better for others in their or my different envronment. How will a management system work in Alaska work the same in Florida? I find it amusing on many posts of complete neophites giving other equally uninformed individuals suposedly authorative information that has very little if any truth to the question at hand due to their misunderstanding of facts. I also find it ironic that many people blindly follow the vociferous mantra of someone that may have had an axe to grind with an individual, farm or corporate entity. I then try to offer some insight to scientific and time tested facts, and nothing but the facts, as to a contrasting idea. Please don't angrily go about bashing those that may not agree with your ideal. Disagree with me and we can have a meaningful dialog and both of us may benefit. But, Please don't put your own spin and inuendoes on my posts.
More power to you in your own methods that work for you in your own environment. Hey, GREAT and more power to you and go off and do your own thing. I find other methods work just as well or better for others in their or my different envronment. How will a management system work in Alaska work the same inFlorida? I find it amusing on many posts of complete neophites giving other equally uninformed individuals suposedly authorative information that has very little if any truth to the question at hand due to their misunderstanding of facts. I also find it ironic that many people blindly follow the vociferous mantra of someone that may have had an axe to grind with an individual, farm or corporate entity. I then try to offer some insight to scientific and time tested facts, and nothing but the facts, as to a contrasting idea. Please don't angrily go about bashing those that may not agree with your ideal. Disagree with me and we can have a meaningful dialog and both of us may benefit. But, Please don't put your own spin and inuendoes on my posts.

I rest my case. This is nothing but raving.

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