Royal palms attacking roosters


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Western ny
My royal palms are nasty to my chickens. They attack the roosters and would probably kill them given the opportunity. Is this a breed trait or just mine. I have dealt with it for multiple generations. The hens attack my hens and the toms attack my Roos. I like the royal palms but if there is nothing I can do I plan to get a new breed
I have RPs that do the same. But I also had some other varieties of Turkeys that did this too. It seemed that once they got to a certain size where they were quite a bit larger than the chickens, they would occasionally pick out one of the chickens and chase it mercilessly. I once came home to a dark brahma hen who's head was just a mass of blood. With a lot of care, she recovered. But I now separate my turkeys and chickens once the turkeys reach the size of a full grown chicken.
I just built my 5 bourbon red turkeys their own pen and run because they were constantly chasing my chickens around. They never hurt the chickens but my rooster used to have real nice tail feathers and one day I came home and noticed him running from the turkeys and didn't have a single tail feather left. Our turkeys are very gentle with us but are aggressive towards chickens. So I don't think it's the breed, I think they are much bigger and let the chickens know who's boss, but I would separate them.
Reading other posts, I think it depends on the strain of turkey rather than the variety. My turkeys have never been much of a problem... I had one tom that wanted to face-off with a cockbird, but the cock-bird just ignored it, never came to anything. I keep turkeys together with chickens, ducks and geese, no problem so far.

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