Rules for The Coop that the books don't tell you. My experience as a newbie.

*Egg songs don't always mean there's an egg, anywhere in your coop, your yard, or even on YOUR property.  It simply means that somewhere on planet earth ( and I'm limiting that) some chicken, is laying an egg.  Sometimes I think they just snap some little spring in their head and get stuck with their needle in a groove.  Egg song can go on for a REALLY long time. It doesn't mean there's an egg, it just means they're crazy.

Wow. Now I'm really looking forward to those "egg songs". I'll soak in the peace and quiet until they start laying. :cd
This happened to me a while back, but today I was reminded of it when I walked out to the coop to check on things.

Sooner or later you're going to walk up on a chicken laying on her side on the ground. You're heart may stop and you just might start crying. You may run to your husband screaming for him to go check her because you just can't handle it. You may walk to the coop behind him so you don't look directly at her. He bends down to touch her and RUINS her perfectly comfortable spot on the ground where she's enjoying a nice sun bath.
She screams, you scream, he screams (of course, it was a manly scream), all the girls scream.

It was scary. That's sure something I wish I had read in the book!!!

I got some pictures today, since I had already been through it and knew what was happening.

And then her friend joins her.....

ahhhhhhhh. This is the life.

OH yes, the dreaded "melted" chickens.

Another thing...

*Roosters dance. Well, they THINK they can dance. All of mine have either looked like they have a broken limping leg, or are recovering from a stroke of some kind, or have some inner ear balance problem. The upside is, that it usually distracts the hens long enough (they drop to the ground laughing I suspect) that he can get his groove on. So Mr Rooster thinks he's the worlds best dancer and makes it part of his mating repertoire.
This happened to me a while back, but today I was reminded of it when I walked out to the coop to check on things. Sooner or later you're going to walk up on a chicken laying on her side on the ground. You're heart may stop and you just might start crying. You may run to your husband screaming for him to go check her because you just can't handle it. You may walk to the coop behind him so you don't look directly at her. He bends down to touch her and RUINS her perfectly comfortable spot on the ground where she's enjoying a nice sun bath. :cd She screams, you scream, he screams (of course, it was a manly scream), all the girls scream. It was scary. That's sure something I wish I had read in the book!!! I got some pictures today, since I had already been through it and knew what was happening. And then her friend joins her..... ahhhhhhhh. This is the life.
Ha ha ha! Don't you just love them?
Luckily mine don't bother jewelry or toes. The chicks occasionally check out my orange piggies paint job, but never when walking about, only when I'm out in the lawn chair and they stop moving. The ROOSTER is a different story.

* NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON THE ROOSTER! The rooster will have favorites. No one tells you this. Our rooster, as sweet as he is doesn't bother my husband or teenager. Oh no. ME? HE HATES my ankles. He treats them like they aren't even a part of my leg. He stares them down, and tries to make a flying leap.

*Egg songs don't always mean there's an egg, anywhere in your coop, your yard, or even on YOUR property. It simply means that somewhere on planet earth ( and I'm limiting that) some chicken, is laying an egg. Sometimes I think they just snap some little spring in their head and get stuck with their needle in a groove. Egg song can go on for a REALLY long time. It doesn't mean there's an egg, it just means they're crazy.

*Chickens are curious and wander everywhere. If you don't want poop everywhere, make sure you shut the doors to the workshop and barn bathroom.

*chickens on a night vision camera look possessed.

* not all chickens make the same bok bok noise. Some whistle, some hoot, honk, cluck, or bark. Yup, they're weird.

So true!

I especially agree with the part about the Egg Song. Sometimes I think my hens do it because they are just bored, like our dogs howl when they are bored.
I have only hens, but often they ALL sing in chorus..and no one has laid. IMO they do these things to keep us interested and guessing why do they do that :)

They do it because they are wily...wily, sly little creatures that want to keep us off-balance. Bwaa haa haa!

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