Run extension & stopping free range


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2024
Hi! We live in a nice suburban area in CT and have 4 chickens. We have a small coop and a 6’ W x 12’ L x 7’ H roof-covered run attached to coop (with predator apron, dust bath box, swing, feed, water, treat block, etc). We let our chickens out to free range a couple hours a day but due to poop, and because we have little kids and a new puppy coming this summer, I’d like to keep them contained, but think they need more space than this run gives them, right? We don’t have a big farm so don’t want to build an elaborate and unattractive run but also happy to have them free range around some of our evergreens, compost pile. Does anyone have a suggestion for creating a run extension without a ton of material or effort that looks nice?! It would only be used for part of the daytime. I want happy chickens but don’t think we have the energy to do another predator apron!! PS photo is from when we first built this—inside doesn’t have grass anymore and has all the above mentioned stuff!)
You technically have enough space but if the birds are used to be let out they may protest being confined.

For just containing chickens, it can be as simple as chicken wire or snow fencing, but since you said the looks are a concern, maybe fencing panels like these: would work? They're easy to place and move around and look better than chicken wire IMO (I use them to keep the dogs from running through the passthrough behind the house), though I don't know how flighty your birds are since they could go over if so inclined.

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