Run Flooring?


Jun 19, 2019
Aylett, VA
Hey, all. Chicken newbie here.
We just finished our coops and my father decided to help critter proof the runs from beneath by raising them and putting wire against the ground.

Now, my question is, will that wiring need to be covered? Will it hurt little chicken feet? And if so, what should it be covered with?
Chickens like to scratch the ground looking for bugs and worms. It may not be a good idea. Most put about a foot of wire on the outside of the run and cover it with soil. This keeps predators from digging into the run. Looks k around this site or search you will find more on this.​
Wire isn't good for any animal's feet and can most commonly lead to bumblefoot as well as caught toes and nails. Most people on here recommend putting wire around the outside of the run (usually called an apron), not inside, for that reason.

If this were my run I would remove the wire entirely and apron around the run instead. If that's not possible since it's already installed, then you need to put in a good amount of litter over it, several inches at least, and keep a constant eye on it as chickens will dig and eventually uncover the wire.
Luckily, the girls aren't old enough to go in, so we have a good amount of time to rectify this. Gotta admit, I do feel stupid, though.
Luckily, the girls aren't old enough to go in, so we have a good amount of time to rectify this. Gotta admit, I do feel stupid, though.

It's not stupid at all. It makes some sense from a protection perspective (because then the run is entirely enclosed on the underside) but since chickens don't wear shoes and love to dig, they can hurt themselves while simply carrying out their natural behavior.

Yes, an apron 18 - 24 inches out will be much better. Make sure you put it all the way around your coop and run. The idea is, an animal comes up to the run and digs, it hits the wire and moves over, the same thing happens. They aren't smart enough to move back far enough, to get past the apron. They end up giving up and move on. I use 1/2" hardware cloth for my apron.

Yes, an apron 18 - 24 inches out will be much better. Make sure you put it all the way around your coop and run. The idea is, an animal comes up to the run and digs, it hits the wire and moves over, the same thing happens. They aren't smart enough to move back far enough, to get past the apron. They end up giving up and move on. I use 1/2" hardware cloth for my apron.
Thank you so much for the advice, and especially with measurements! Are there any pictures available of what the apron looks like? Hopefully that doesn't sound silly. :)

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