Runny nose in adult duck?

Not long ago we had a couple of birds exhibiting something similar and a vet that I've gotten to know fairly well recommened VetRx. It's sold at TSC where we found it and not overly expensive. There are a number of ways to adminster it and the stuff worked incredibly well. I wouldn't call it my "go to" solution, but in something involving respiratory problems it's what comes to mind first. The instructions on the bottle are very easy to follow and like I said, there are a few options of how best to give it. We used the spray bottle method and sprayed our entire flock with one dosage. With anything, I'd recommend plenty of research, especially when a recommendation comes from a rookie like me!!

Troy & Tina
Not long ago we had a couple of birds exhibiting something similar and a vet that I've gotten to know fairly well recommened VetRx. It's sold at TSC where we found it and not overly expensive. There are a number of ways to adminster it and the stuff worked incredibly well. I wouldn't call it my "go to" solution, but in something involving respiratory problems it's what comes to mind first. The instructions on the bottle are very easy to follow and like I said, there are a few options of how best to give it. We used the spray bottle method and sprayed our entire flock with one dosage. With anything, I'd recommend plenty of research, especially when a recommendation comes from a rookie like me!!

Troy & Tina
Can you link me to the page of the stuff? Thank you.
Sounds encouraging, keep a close eye on her and hopefully the vits will help and you won't have to go to antibiotics since they can cause their own set of problems..
I don't mean to get this thread off- topic but I don't think I need to make a thread on this. I just got 9 eggs and they all have detached air cells. What should the humidity be. Thank you.

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