runt chick with possible splay leg? can you help me identify?


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Madison, CT
Long story short, i hatched this one bantam sultan chick that had a really hard time hatching.
it had shrink wrapped and was stuck in the egg for about 48 hours.
I helped it by bringing it into a steamy bathroom and getting it out of the shell (it was most of the way zipped but didn't have the energy to break out).
Normally i never like to help chicks hatch because i normally think there may be something wrong with them, which is why they cant get out.
This time was alittle different because i had some incubator problems and my thermometer and humidity gauge broke, so i kinda thought the chick couldn't get out due to problems that weren't genetic/congenital.
I had already lost one zipped chick in a egg that couldn't get out, so in a moment of weakness i gave in and tried to save this one.
I am now concerned and wondered if i did the right thing.
It was very weak and is very small compared to the others. I put it back in the incubator to recover for the night.
It still had a umbilical cord still attached and it didn't look good (i honestly thought it was just too weak and was going to die).
It could stand up or walk for hours, i fed it poly-vi-sol and grow-gel and eventually it has gotten better to the point it can stand and walk around.
Its in the brooder with the others, it eats, drinks, poops ok. The cord has dried up and I'm hoping it falls off soon.
But i noticed that it keeps standing and sitting funny.
It seems to get around ok but i don't want it to get worse.
I don't know how it could have got splayed leg because there is nothing slippery in our brooder or incubator so i assume it might have been born with the problem?
Any-who, i want to make sure that it is splay leg so if anyone can confirm this for me, that would be great.
I know you can band-aid its legs together to help it, but my only concern is that it has feather legs and i don't want to hurt it when i have to take the band-aid off.
It was hard to get a good picture of it.
It tends to always fall and sit on its butt but it is still able to get around.
Its not really severe so thats why i can't tell if its splay leg or not.
What do you think?

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I'd try with a band-aid. you could use a small piece of toilet paper around the leg and go over it with the sticky part of the band-aid so it doesn't stick to the feathers.
I have a coturnix quail chick that hatched with a deformed leg, the other chicks ended up pulling the hip of out place. I've been using band-aids to get it's leg back under it and it's now able to stand and walk. My point being, they can adapt to almost anything and putting a band-aid on it can help. It's your call though.
Well we just tryed. he toilet paper thing was like impossible and we figured out the bandaid isn't sticky enough to hurt it.
problem is though i am having the hardest time putting it on. Does anyone have some helpful advice?
Its so difficult to keep its legs at the same height and turned in enough without making it "too" close together.
well i managed to get it on.
i'm hoping it gets better or atleast doesn't get any worse

this poor chick has been through alot

how long does it usually take for the legs to heal properly?
I know i may need to re-apply the bandaid a few times
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Depends on the age and how bad the leg is. For splayed legs usually a day works, for joint issues is could take longer. When you change the bandaid let the chick walk around a little without the bandaid so you can see how well it's working.
ok, its about 2 days old.
I think its splayed leg and not slipped tendon (i looked it over and saw no swelling but i'm not 100% certain).
All i know is that is one of its legs and it is kinda twisted out to the side like you can kinda see in the photos that i took last night.
It doesn't seem to be in any pain and it does eat, drink, poop and get around ok.
i'm also giving it poly-vi-sol because its a weak runt chick.
If anyone can think of anything else i can do for the chick, please let me know.
This is a "pet" chick, not for breeding, so i would like to try and atleast help it become a functional adult chicken
I've found chicks love bird hand feeding formula made by kaytee. It's nutritionally complete and makes for a good chicken supplement. I small bag isn't too expensive($7), and you can offer it to all the others as treats. I make it into a thick paste so they can peck at it but loose enough so they don't gag. You could offer some yogurt too.
Well i used that kaytee formula last time and i was told by many people on here not use it for chickens.
Apparently they have some law suits and stuff against them for putting "for all birds" on the bag because it really only has the right nutrients for parrot like birds.
I was using it on the chick i has last hatch that had an unabsorbed yolk sac (it ended up dieing).
I don't think that's why it died but i was told by many people to stop using it and to use poly-vi-sol instead

I've found chicks love bird hand feeding formula made by kaytee. It's nutritionally complete and makes for a good chicken supplement. I small bag isn't too expensive($7), and you can offer it to all the others as treats. I make it into a thick paste so they can peck at it but loose enough so they don't gag. You could offer some yogurt too.
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Well i used that kaytee formula last time and i was told by many people on here not use it for chickens.
Apparently they have some law suits and stuff against them for putting "for all birds" on the bag because it really only has the right nutrients for parrot like birds.
I was using it on the chick i has last hatch that had an unabsorbed yolk sac (it ended up dieing).
I don't think that's why it died but i was told by many people to stop using it and to use poly-vi-sol instead
Well you can still offer plain yogurt, and mashed egg. If you offer egg make sure to sprinkle it with chick grit.
I think if you offered nothing but the kaytee you might run into trouble, but as a supplement I can't see why it would hurt anything, but that's JMO.

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