
Chicky Crazy

6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I have a two week old female chick that's seems to be a runt. She hasn't grow much at all since I bought her two weeks ago. Although I didn't believe there was such a thing, I think she is because she has feathers half as long as the others, barely any tail feathers or body feathers unlike others. All the other chicks are females also. She is not picked on, thankfully. But I want to know how to treat her. As she grows she will became left out and became shy of me like my two year old RIR. I don't want that to happen, and want to know how to treat her specially to prevent that?
Here she is:
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But she may outgrow all of them!Of my 12 chicks i had a runt and he was the only black chick so i wanted to keep him.Today they are 4 weeks old and he is one of the biggest i not the biggest of the hatch.Do not despair and have hope in mother nature.
My runt is not picked on but is fairly small. There are other small ones that are not picked on either. She is just like all of the other chickens just a bit smaller!
But how should I treat her?
Of my six I had one that I worried about:

Right from the start she was smaller and slower than the rest, even though they were all hatched at the same time. She's hard to see in this pic (sorry, best I had), but she's in the upper right hand corner by herself. She wasn't picked on, but the others did seem to ignore her, so I worried. I just treated her like I treated all of them - picked her up, petted her, talked to her. Maybe showed her the feeder more than the rest
, but other than that I treated them all the same. She's still smaller than all the rest and a little more hesitant (last out of the coop, etc.), but other than that she appears healthy and happy. They all snuggle up together now and the others don't treat her any differently, so neither do I!

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