Russian Orloffs

Here are 3 of them, the fourth was still in the incubator drying off when I took these.
Hello World

Color variations

Blurry (darn cell phone) but shows the 3 chicks a little better, the lighting made the blonde chick look really light
Here are 3 of them, the fourth was still in the incubator drying off when I took these.
Hello World

Color variations

Blurry (darn cell phone) but shows the 3 chicks a little better, the lighting made the blonde chick look really light
YAY CONGRATS ON THE BABIES!! NICE COLORS thats what I am enjoying right now is all the different colors of my chicks and the way they are developing.
Congrtas malndobe. I had one yellow chick out of my hatches last weekend as well. Only hatched 7 out of 2 dozen eggs though.

gorgeous little cheeky monkeys!!! love that chicken towel too
Congrtas malndobe. I had one yellow chick out of my hatches last weekend as well. Only hatched 7 out of 2 dozen eggs though.

This brings new meaning to a 'chicken basket.' Or a basket of chicken nuggets. Oh man.... I must be tired.

Is it just me or does that one on the left look like its being shunned?
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Ash it just happened to walk of in that direction when I took the photo. I put all 7 in with my the other 5 that are a week old. They are all happy growing like weeds. Have a cockerel that's about 3 months old looking really good.

Cockerel (front) & Pullet

Cockerel. Love how the head is looking
Love the muffs! I do have a question though- how much white is too much white? I believe it was gander (?) that said they had too much white wings/feathers start coming in the chicks so they got a different line of ROs for diversity. Two of the 4 oldest chicks ( dog attack,they ate 2!) were/are more than half white! Those are chicks from matings with only the 1st line before the others got old enough to lay.
This is the group that I have together right now with eggs in the bator from them. I hope these turn out better than the others and get better spangling from the pullets. The chicks from the first line only barely have any spangling but I know from the pics how much that can change after a molt:) The 2nd line of pullets bagan laying at 5 1/2 -6 months old so I like them better already! Being hatchery though I question if they had something else added somewhere in the egg line since one pullet lays a darker brown matte egg. It is almost the color of the Buff Orpington's.
Love the muffs! I do have a question though- how much white is too much white? I believe it was gander (?) that said they had too much white wings/feathers start coming in the chicks so they got a different line of ROs for diversity. Two of the 4 oldest chicks ( dog attack,they ate 2!) were/are more than half white! Those are chicks from matings with only the 1st line before the others got old enough to lay.

I would give your chicks some time to grow. They change A LOT with their first molt and continue to change as they mature. I had a cockerel that had A LOT of white when he was young - now he has very little. And some get even more just let them grow out. That probably doesn't help a whole lot - but this definitely isn't a breed for the impatient :)

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