Russian Orloffs

vtguania Just saw that lol, keep the pictures coming! Is Ivan the new fave? I think my "guy" of that last hatch is the fellow in the top picture, hes just got more of an "it" than the other juvies, I go back and forth because of the white streaks, good or bad? Or neutral since color isnt the focus? Or is it ;)
Just sent a boy to TX EdenCamp, wish I could help! Those pavs could be pretty convincing though...;) lol
How are everyones ROs doing with the cold? Mine arent quite as active, but they DO hsve a cozy new coop to laze about in...

Sad day here, RIP Olaf the Blood, everyones favorite chicken, our mascot rooster :(
Only a few get names, 5 this season, and 3 of those we lost (our ONLY losses of course!), 2 to a hawk the same day this summer, and now Blood due to a serious leg injury. So no more names!! It seems to be bad luck :(
Sorry to hear Olaf passed, on the bright side at least he was able to live his days with the coolest pirate-chicken name on the planet!
I vote you keep naming the special ones, it will make the good memories that much sweeter.
Hello All!
I'm brand new to the thread - and to orloffs. Found yall thanks to @newtnn . I'm hoping to be able to find someone breeding mahognay orloffs.

Also - just to be clear right from the start - what level of 'chicken treason' is it for me to seek out a rare breed just to have some - with no plans (right now) to breed them?
Welcome canesisters, I see you found the thread :) As far as Mahogany Orloff, there are only 3 breeders I know of. One lost their cockerel. My pair has not been laying. Hen is going through moult right now.

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