Russian Orloffs

Sorry. I find it more difficult and easy to miss things as well. I did finally post pics of my birds, all but one I think. She was missing... sneaky little thing. If you put my name in the post you have over there I will get a notification and can go right to it. OR if you post here I will give you the awful "honest opinion" :)
I make sure to check BYC daily, but both the forum and the facebook page have their pros and cons. I'll try to stay active here, hope to post an updated image of my flock soon. No eggs yet, but I think I still have at least a month before I really should be expecting any from them.
@ashandvine I have 6 Orloffs that I got from a guy in Muskegon, Michigan a couple months back. They're about 5 months old now. I think I have 2 cockerels and 4 pullets. They're an absolute joy to have, their personalities and general inquisitiveness are immensely fun.

I've been posting pictures of them on the Russian Orloff Society of US and Canada on Facebook every so often, as well as on the thread I made here on BYC about my chicken journey. I never thought I'd be a nut for chickens, but I guess I cracked.
The one on the right and the one in the middle are worth breeding forward. The one on the left... not so much. Note the brow cleft on the one on the right and the one in the middle has the best beard and muffs. Their legs are nicely yellow. I can't judge much else. As you get into looking at your birds try to get them on the ground in profile. It helps to judge their type or shape for breed traits you want or don't. Welcome to the world of Bird Fanciers :)
Here are a few pictures I took today when I went out to feed/water the flock.

They move around so much that I had to scrap 70% of the pictures I took, but I like the ones I got.
Like I said before, they're around 4.5-5.5 months old.
I have been reading this thread for some time. And I am thinking about getting some RO's. I have not had any chickens for about 20 years. But I am ready for some. Now I need some help !! I have two ways to go. #1 I live about 4.5 hrs from a hatchery in Fayettville NC. They will have chicks ready in Feb. Anyone bought from them? #2 I can buy some eggs from Rare Feathers. I have a friend that said he would hatch them for me. The real downside of buying eggs is the unknown sex of the chicks I would end up with. What are your thoughts ? Thanks in advance.

If you have access to Facebook, look at the society's page: Russian Orloff Society of USA and Canada.
A lot of breeders are pretty active on there.
Heather, from Rare Feathers, is on there pretty regularly to. You're able to see a lot of birds and get to know the people who are raising them :)

Personally, I hatched out 5, (lost one around 4 weeks to a neighbors dog) but ended up with 3 pullet chicks and a cockerel. So my hatch was pretty well balanced.
If you have access to Facebook, look at the society's page: Russian Orloff Society of USA and Canada.
A lot of breeders are pretty active on there.
Heather, from Rare Feathers, is on there pretty regularly to. You're able to see a lot of birds and get to know the people who are raising them :)

Personally, I hatched out 5, (lost one around 4 weeks to a neighbors dog) but ended up with 3 pullet chicks and a cockerel. So my hatch was pretty well balanced.
Where did you get your eggs ?

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