Russian Orloffs

Ok please don't FLAME me. I have a few concerns about what I have read about breeding Russian Orloff's. It seems that some breeders are most focused on conformation. And don't get me wrong, I like a good looking animal as much as anyone . And I admit I know nothing about breeding chickens. But I have been active in breeding hunting dogs for a number of years. And the worst thing that can happen to a hunting breed of Dogs is for the "Show " crowd to take a liking to them !!! When that happens the breed tends to lose their " Personality " And hunting ability. I have been drawn to the RO because of what I have read about the personality traits that they tend to have. I know that as a newbie to this forum, and someone that does not even own a RO right now, this may sound arrogant !!!!! Sorry for that. I am just trying to decide if I really want to go down this road . Nothing wrong with the " Show" !!!!!!! I'm just more into the "GO"
Ok please don't FLAME me. I have a few concerns about what I have read about breeding Russian Orloff's. It seems that some breeders are most focused on conformation. And don't get me wrong, I like a good looking animal as much as anyone . And I admit I know nothing about breeding chickens. But I have been active in breeding hunting dogs for a number of years. And the worst thing that can happen to a hunting breed of Dogs is for the "Show " crowd to take a liking to them !!! When that happens the breed tends to lose their " Personality " And hunting ability. I have been drawn to the RO because of what I have read about the personality traits that they tend to have. I know that as a newbie to this forum, and someone that does not even own a RO right now, this may sound arrogant !!!!! Sorry for that. I am just trying to decide if I really want to go down this road . Nothing wrong with the " Show" !!!!!!! I'm just more into the "GO"
No flaming here. I think you notice that most of us are talking about conformation because that is one area, of many, the RO needs so much work. And it's an easier/more interesting discussion to have. Lot's to talk about, shape of the body, color of feathers, length/color of shank, amount of brow, boule, hackle, etc etc etc. That doesn't mean there isn't more being taken into consideration, but the basic discussions about temperament, egg size and frequency, or carcass weight are... pretty basic. For me, I will cull anything that acts aggressive towards people, track ages and weights, including live and dressed weights on butchered birds, average egg weights and frequency when they are separated out (too many birds to do it when they run with the flock), rate of growth, etc. I'm also tracking parentage of stock etc, and when I notice something like a hen whose offspring is 90% female, that gets noted as well. And those things come into play when making breeding decisions, but we also basically just had the entire conversation.
No flaming here. I think you notice that most of us are talking about conformation because that is one area, of many, the RO needs so much work. And it's an easier/more interesting discussion to have. Lot's to talk about, shape of the body, color of feathers, length/color of shank, amount of brow, boule, hackle, etc etc etc. That doesn't mean there isn't more being taken into consideration, but the basic discussions about temperament, egg size and frequency, or carcass weight are... pretty basic. For me, I will cull anything that acts aggressive towards people, track ages and weights, including live and dressed weights on butchered birds, average egg weights and frequency when they are separated out (too many birds to do it when they run with the flock), rate of growth, etc. I'm also tracking parentage of stock etc, and when I notice something like a hen whose offspring is 90% female, that gets noted as well. And those things come into play when making breeding decisions, but we also basically just had the entire conversation.
Great, You clearly know what I am talking about!!!!! And thanks for taking my post constructively. You are clearly on the right path. IMHO.
And thanks for your response . Do you have any chicks or eggs for sale ?
Quote: I'm just putting breeding pens together now, and have already promised to send eggs to about 4 folks, after I get what I need. I'm not selling, just sending for cost of postage as IMHO these birds still need a lot of work, so probably no "leftovers" as I suspect they will take whatever I have.
I'm just putting breeding pens together now, and have already promised to send eggs to about 4 folks, after I get what I need. I'm not selling, just sending for cost of postage as IMHO these birds still need a lot of work, so probably no "leftovers" as I suspect they will take whatever I have.
That's what Jenny did with mine :)
I think it's a really great approach.
Hello Everyone!

I have been watching this breed for awhile and I am seriously considering adding this breed. I currently breed and Show tufted, rumpless Araucana. I just wanted to ask those of you who have Russian Orloff's about their temperament and just the breed in general.

Thanks in Advance

Fredericktown MO
Hello Everyone!

I have been watching this breed for awhile and I am seriously considering adding this breed. I currently breed and Show tufted, rumpless Araucana. I just wanted to ask those of you who have Russian Orloff's about their temperament and just the breed in general.

Thanks in Advance

Fredericktown MO
I spent some time in Fredericktown Mo. as a kid. My Great Aunt lived there. I have a lot of family from South East Mo.
I am looking forward to the response to your ? I don't know if you get the Hobby Farms Chicken Mag. But the Jan./ Feb. issue has article on the Russian Orloff .

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