Russian Orloffs

Hiya everybody.

Lovin the orloff eye candy.
Gresh- I've got some hens that are doing pretty well in this unrelenting heat wave we've been having here in NC. I don't have fans or anything, but provide them with fresh water daily and a shaded run. I keep a large 3 gal bowl of water in the run for them, but have yet to see them stand in it.

On another note, I may be looking for a good spangled orloff roo in the not too distant really looks like I'm only hatching females and that makes it a little hard to have fertile eggs. So if anyone has one they would like to sell let me know in PM or email me. I can drive to you as long as your not over a days drive.

Take care and stay cool
Does anyone on here have bantam russian orloffs? They are awesome lookin birds...what are they like temperament wise, and healthwise? Are they a hardy bird?
I've got some cull bantam Orloff pairs for sale in Facebook (Star Bright Farm is my id). They have hardly any spangling on them...but they're young and may molt out completely different.

My Orloffs are super hardy birds. They definitely love the winter more than the summer. I have to pay extra attention to them when it's extremely hot outside.
Is there an online source for breed standards? I have looked but not found anything yet. I'm hoping one of you knows a site.
Thanks, Amy
The Orloff is no longer recognized by the APA (American Poultry Association), so finding a current breed standard is not possible. Most breeders use the old SOP which can be found somewhere in BYC, maybe in this thread, but I haven't found it yet.

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