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Just finished reading through all the posts and I can't reply to all, but I can remember some!

I will make sure my wound does NOT get infected,
Great stories from some of you,
AFTER pulling off the spurrs, how would I trim them down again without hurting the rooster?

I have not been spurred for probably 20 years. But I still remember it!! I was bending over to pick up eggs and you would have thought that wretched Polish rooster was a goat by his choice of target!
If I had a punctur wound from a spur I think I would seek medical attention. Puncture wounds can be serious. I would call your doctor as I don't think over the counter antibiotic creams are sufficient.
My roosters have never intentionally spurred anyone. I have spurred myself trying to catch one that I knocked off the rail of the steps.
Either way, it hurt! I am going to try the PediPaw.
I chose the plier method the one time I had a problem with a Buff Orp roo, but realizing that many folks think that isn't for them I have a possible solution. I haven't tried this but I bet you could take a bead made of wood or plastic and glue it to the point of the spur. Kind of like the rodeo bulls with the knobs on their horns.
oweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. sorry you got spurred, but great info and reminder. I told my kids the other day, a reminder.. about the chickens and roosters.. well, we dont know if we have roosters yet.. LOL, but that they need permission first to enter the run and or coop area..etc

and thank you again for the reminder.... do I really want a rooster?? ayyayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

We used to have a Buff Orpington roo that was so big and aggressive that we had to always maintain eye contact with him and usually walked through the yard with a leaf rake to put between him an us. I punted that bird like a a football on more than one occassion when he came at me but he never seemed to learn that I was boss.

Eventually, he was mangled by an irresponsible neighbor's lab but if not for him we would certainly have lost many more hens then we did that day. Fortunately, the three roos we have now are non-human aggressive. One is so docile he is very easy to pick up - he does protest though.
our barred rock rooster is being a jerk right now with my DH - attacks - rushes etc.... I worry it is only a matter of time before someone will win the war . Aaron is a young roo not a year old yet , he has 4 lovely ladies a nice clean coop plenty of food and space, is treated better than any chicken I know ---- I hope he grows out of it.
Sorry you got spurred!

but thanks to the others with advice on how to remove the spurs! I should get a rooster out of my chicks this year and have no urge to be spurred...or my children.

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