Sac County Chicken Ordinance

Sacto Chickens

8 Years
May 28, 2015

Most people don't know that Sacramento County has an ordinance regarding owning chickens. If you do not live on a lot that is 10,000 square Feet or larger, you cannot legally raise chickens at your residence. I am looking to get that changed. There should be no restrictions on free citizens raising their own food or pets in a reasonable manor. How do you tell a man who has a 9999 sq. ft. lot that he has lost the freedom to choose what to provide for his family and the man who has 1 more square foot is HE IS FREE to make that same choice denied his neighbor?
The City of Sacramento allows chickens and has no sq. ft. requirements for your lot size. The City allows chickens. The county, for the most part, does not. Does this make sense to you?
The investment of chickens is low and the production of eggs can save quite a bit for a family. Not to mention, free range eggs taste far better and are healthier for you. There is inherent value in raising chickens and teaching our children about sustainable living. In the process they learn to respect our food sources and the responsibility of maintaining and protecting a food source. It is an invaluable lesson for our children.
My goal is to have the County Board of Supervisors change this ordinance to better represent the rural citizens of Sacramento County so that we may Pursue Our Happiness and enjoys the Freedom of our Liberties. I hope you will join me. Engage. God Bless.
This may be your last chance to stop the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors from passing an amendment to the zoning code that will place a ban on all crowing fowl on all residentially zoned properties. The Board of Supervisors met to vote on this issue on July 22, 2015. Essentially this change in the code will make it illegal to keep any roosters and male gendered guinea fowl, ducks, geese or peacocks regardless of residential property size. The allowances for hens will remain the same (10,000 square feet or more). There was also some talk during the meeting of possibly changing the allowances for keeping crowing fowl on some AR designated properties as well. I have posted information regarding this zoning code amendment to the other two B.Y. Chickens Sac County Laws and Ordinances forums (see the last pages of each). Thanks to Don Nottoli, we were granted more time to organize and be heard- the vote was postponed to Oct 30th.

I urge you and any other crowing fowl owners to please contact all five supervisors individually. They may ask you why you are calling outside of your own district. The answer is simple, each vote carries weight for decisions made for the entire county, not just your district.

If at all possible, please attend any meeting with any reference to "crowing fowl" on the agenda and fill out a speaker form. They are supposed to post the agenda and when/if a meeting is to be held 72 hours in advance. Find out what will be on the agenda for both Tuesday and Wednesday meetings in Sept and Oct. This month's 2:00 PM Wed meeting was canceled, but it was not posted on the Sac County site. You may have to call. Please, we need your all of your voices to speak out.

We really want to keep a mass dumping of roosters from happening because it is an extremely cruel act. Few shelters accept roosters as most are already full. The County Animal Shelter will only take "stray" chickens. I know this because I called every shelter and sanctuary in the area this morning. The supervisors did not factor into their planning as to just where folks can relinquish their roosters, nor did they express what will happen to said fowl afterward. All they said is that they were thinking about waiving the $50 turn-in fee at the Animal Shelter on Bradshaw- whose staff told me they currently do not accept "owned roosters". If the County prohibits folks with large properties from keeping roosters, then who will be able to adopt them from shelters or take in strays?

You can look up the July 22, 2015 meeting on their website at
Here is a snapshot of the outcome:

5:10 PM Board Action: Phil Serna/ Susan Peters - Approved recommendations by staff, as amended and directed staff return to the Board prior to October 30, 2015 to address the Crowing Fowl.

AYES: Patrick Kennedy, Roberta MacGlashan, Susan Peters, Phil Serna
NOES: Don Nottoli
ABSENT: (None)
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