safe to eat?


7 Years
Jun 10, 2016
I have some cornish cross. They are about 6 weeks now. This morning I moved them went to get feed and by the time I got back one was dead. It had just died in the few minutes it took me to get grain. It wasn't injured, but I had noticed it looking pretty lethargic. I went ahead and processed it. I read that they have a high mortality rate from organ failure from their fast growth rate. So I am thinking probably organ failure. It is soaking in a brine right now. Do you think it is safe to eat? I otherwise would never eat a bird that died on its own. but after reading about these, I thought it was probably Ok to eat. I would like to know others opinions on this?
I am not expert on what they should look like! There was yellow liquid in the abdomen, which I thought was a sign of congestive heart failure.
It ought to be safe to eat. After all, people used to, and probably still do, hang whole game birds for a day or two in a cool place. As late as the early 1950's poultry was sold plucked but with the head, feet, and innards intact. Your bird wasn't dead long enough for decomposition to set in. When I had Cornish X, if when I did chores, I noticed any bird that had trouble walking, was lethargic, or had a purplish comb, I processed that bird then and there.

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