Salmon Faverolle Extra Toe Question

Yes I trim mine once in a while (like once a year) and I just use dog nail trimmers (I cut my dogs' nails 3x a month so I'm pretty accustomed to trimming nails by this point)! Even if you do nick the quick, some styptic powder will fix it.
Yes i have both, trimmers and styptic powder. If i could wrestle to cut my cats nails, I think i’d be able to do a chickens 🤣🤣🤣
I trim the extra toe nail on my gals who have 5 toes if I notice they’re getting too long. I just use a dog nail clipper. Mine are super docile so they don’t make a fuss about it so I can do it on my own thankfully. My Silkie Cochin mix got her nail caught on something once and it ripped the whole nail off… it healed very fast and was fine after but now I’m more diligent about it!

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