Salmon Favorelle and EE: Male or female? (pics)

She sounds beautiful I agree after reviewing the picture it does look like an oddly colored hen I will post a pictures of my hens at around that age and thats why I though it was a rooster.

kpeavey she sounds beautiful I would love to have a breeding flock of Salmon Faverolles an maybe trio's of white and black Faverolles. I can't wait till I get my own place I will quickly be building some breeding flocks
I want a pictures of her!

Well, to answer the original poster (none other than myself!), it is months later. The Salmon Faverelle turned out to be a beautiful, fiesty hen.

The EE turned out to be a roo. As he grew we tried to hold him a lot and everything else we could think of. But alas, he turned out to be a mean roo, and attacked anyone who came into the coop.

When he put a hurting on my 5-year-old, we finally decided we had had enough. But don't worry, we didn't eat him! He went to live with a friend's no-kill, free range flock in the country.

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