

8 Years
Dec 27, 2013
I have 2 hens whom I thought had bumble foot. I watched several videos and bought the necessary supplies and then could not do it. I took them to a local Avian vet and while they both have swelling on their foot she said it was not bumble. More likely arthritis due to some virus... But it was also possible to be caused by salmonella... Of course it was after 5pm so she was unable to call the OSU vet. she saved fecal samples from both of them and is hoping it is not a blood draw. Has anyone had salmonella in their flock? How did you handle it? I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.
I'm sorry to hear about your 2 hens.

How old are they?
Do you have any photos of the feet?

I don't really have that much advise, but would be interested to learn more about this and what type of treatment, if any is recommended.
Viral Arthritis (Tenosynovitis/ Reoviral Arthritis) would be my guess as to what your Avian Vet is referring to?

I hope that with testing, she will be able to find out what's going on.
Please let us know how they are doing.
The same kind of thing happend to me i have had a few hens die like this, they look like they have a hurt foot and we pull them away to let them recover in a warm environment but then they still eventually die i recently had one die last night because it couldnt move so it froze. Does anybody have any ideas what this is?

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