Sat., Nov., 19th., Ocala (North) TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY Farm Swap Meet

Yea!! I'm coming I have some Silkies, Bantam Mottled Cochins and a few Black Copper Marans chicks..

Does anyone know if anyone is planning on having piglets for sale at the swap? I know someone had some at the Dunnellon TSC swap a couple months back and had some at one of the Ocala TSC swaps. I'm interested in getting one or two, but can't find any.
If I can get someone to cover me at work on Saturday, I will be coming. I still have 3 Buff Orp cockerels and a bunch of Self Blue OEGB cockerels to sell. Hope to see everyone on Saturday. I have had to work most Saturdays, so I have missed alot of the swaps.
:frowWill there be any Swaps in the area in Dec? Not sure we can make it to the Ocala or Reddick Swaps. Being located in Citrus Cty, there's not really anything near us, but we're willing to travel to expand our flock.

12/10/11 J & J Tack Poultry & Small Livestock Swap & Farmers Market 9am - ??
Sponsored by; J & J Tack & The Pampered Pullets Farm
6625 Hwy 40 West, Ocala 34482

12/17/11 Winter Wonderland Poultry & Small Livestock Swap & Sale 9am - ???
The Pampered Pullets Farm
13788 SW 5th Pl., Ocala 34481
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I'll be bringing some month old Bantam Ameraucana's. I have Lavenders, blues and blacks. I am on call at work so I am not sure when I will get there but I should have time to make it at some point.

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