Say it isn't so...Is Lydia a Larry? Ohhhhh no, is this a rooooo? :-( Please say it's a hen!


5 Years
Apr 26, 2015
No crowing yet but just this week started looking at this one and thinking, oh no, is that a roo? I can't keep if is. So intensely bonded to sibling they will have to go together. I raised them since 1 day old and they got really sick with cocci and almost died. I saved them and now might be a roo?! Boo. Boooooo. If is roo, am going to wait and see if the crow is doable. Oh no, just looking at these pictures, is it a roo? Ugh. I love these two birds. Oh my gosh if this is roo, this is going to be so sad.

Lydia is Larry, isn't she? :-(

Lydia is definitely a Larry, sorry.

And, I'm pretty sure the other bird is a rooster also. How old is it?
I am not sure. I think the other bird is a hen...she looks a lot different from Larry. :( just writing Larry is so sad.
They look different because they're different breeds. If they're the same age, I'm pretty sure they're both cockerels. How old is the other bird?
I will try to get a picture of her tomorrow. She is the same age as Larry. She seems like a girl; her neck feathers are more rounded.

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