Saying goodbye to Dad..UPDATE! Donald J. Riddle 2-14-1943 to 4-2-2010

I am so sorry for your loss. Others have expressed condolences much more eloquently then I am. Please know that you are in many people's prayers and thoughts.
It's one of the hardest trials you have to go thru when you have a loved one go home.
I didn't get to say goodbye to my parents when they passed, all I have is warm memories left, which, I cherish.
Just cherish the memories you have of your father and share the stories with your kids so they can pass it down to their grandkids too. His legacy lives on.....
I was able to be with my Dad when he passed away this afternoon. My six siblings and my sweet Mother were at his bedside also. I have been so scared about this day coming ever since Dad was put in the hospital two weeks ago. I wasn't even planning on being there with the family today. I didn't feel like I could handle it. For the past three days I kept having a feeling that I needed to be there, and when I woke this morning I knew I had to get up to the hospital in Salt Lake City to tell him I loved him before the machines were turned off. I called my sister and asked my family to wait for me since it was a 3 hour drive. I got to the hospital with my husband and 8 kids in tow. I told my kids what was happening as best I could through the tears the I just couldn't stop from coming. My 8 kids and husband were allowed in to say goodbye to Grandpa and then quietly left the room. I stayed with my Mom and siblings as the nurse came in to give Dad some meds that would stop his urge to breathe. There were alot of tears and alot of laughing as we talked about Dad and the jokes he would make. I can't begin to come close to explaining the peace that came over my family in the next few minutes. I kept staring at my Mom to make sure she was okay. They had been married for 45 yrs. I won't get too deep into his dying moments, but there were alot more tears and once he passed, we sat there knowing that my Dad had returned to his Father in Heaven and that he wasn't hurting anymore. It was an amazing experience to be there with that great man as he passed over. The peace I felt today is still with me tonight as I sit her with my kids and loving husband.

Thank you for all your kind words and for thinking of me. It means the world to me.

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