scab on foot and featherless breast


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
We have a black star, seems healthy weight and activity. We were inspecting feet and noticed a scab on the pad of each foot. Not bad looking, no redness or signs of infection or limping. Should we start epsom salt soaking or just keep an eye on it?

Also, all our 4 hens have scant feathers on their breasts/bellies/undersides. Their skin doesn't look bad. Some feathers are broken off. No sign of mites on them, but I haven't done nighttime searching. It has been hot, and they like to lie in the dampish grass/dirt to cool down, as well as dust bathe in dusty spots.

They are in a tractor on grass and we move it every 1-3 days. Their food and water is in the run part, they get closed into the house part every night.

The picture shows the scab and the bare skin.

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