Scalped 2 day old chick, oh boy...


10 Years
Mar 27, 2009
Cabarrus Co.
I don't think I'm going to be getting much sleep for the next few nights. We have 5 broodies, 2 of which have been isolated after the chicks started hatching to make sure they wouldn't get squashed by the others in the coop. Everyone has been getting along fine between the broodies and non broodies during the incubation stage and even after the chicks hatched, everyone was really super about not messing with the chicks.
When the first broody started hatching, she went to the brooder, then the day after, the next one hatched out an egg that should have been the first momma's chick, so we put that one in with her. No problems there...then comes chick 2, from the same day, and there is where everything went wrong.

Long story short, I woke up to the two chicks from the other broody getting picked on and one was REALLY bad. There is no skin left on poor Baldy's head at all.When I found her, she was by herself, bloody, torn up, cold and just pitiful at 2 days old. I isolated her, got some poly vi sol down her first thing, then betadyne wash and a heating pad underneath a shoebox set on low to meduim depending on how comfy she is. When her nest mate started getting picked on later on yesterday, my ds took that one out and now they have someone to snuggle with. I'm getting BluKote tomorrow.

My question right now is how do I get the scapled one to eat? I've been doing both the syringe with water and poly drops, but her face is so swollen that she can't see to know where the food is.
I've tried scrambled eggs, but she won't eat and I don't want to stress her out any more than she is now with shock, pain and being separated from her mom. Both were in my lap half the night sleeping, which is why I'm still up now, lol.

One more question, could the first broody know that those weren't her chicks and when the rest started hatching she picked on the two that weren't "hers", even though they were part of her original clutch, because of those new hatches?

Both are sleeping hard right now, so I'm going to try to get some shut eye myself.
I have a dove that compleatly recovered from scalped head- I used Chlorhexidine Disinfectant Solution (from Vally Vet (.com)) and silver whatever someone suggested- my post is in the dove section- lemme get it.

doves are weaker then chicks at birth so it'll likely heal.

(Graphic pictures warning: )

chicken should care for all the chicks, some just dont... um were these all hatched under her? I'm confused.
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Keep the wound as clean as possible! Also regularly apply neosporin. . . you want the wound to be clean and moist. Make sure the baby is nice and warm and it will do fine!
Thanks everyone for the advice and support.

Baldy didn't make it, not without a lot of trying.
I sat up with her in my lap most of the night snuggling with her buddy chick with her, but could not get her to eat, just drink and with the poly visol, she rallied, but the damage was just too much for the chick to manage even with help.

I can't complain, we have 17 so far and one that is a lav split that made it, but I just feel SO bad for this poor chick, she was doing well, but not good enough to make it.

I've been up for a long time, so I'm going to bed, but I just wanted to thank you all that responded for the helpful links and for the advice. I really appreciate it and I'm saving what I learned this hatch and for the meds that were provided and I went and got for the next hatch in 2 weeks in case this happens again.

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