Screaming racoons at 2 in the afternoon!! <UPDATE - FISHER CAT!>


13 Years
May 26, 2009
Western MA
I was sitting outside enjoying the sunshine when I heard my girls making a fuss. I saw something move in the brush at the edge of the yard... a juvenile raccoon! It ran down the bank toward the river when I hollered. Two minutes later, I heard the most horrible blood-curdling scream! It went on and on... sounded like a 2 year-old was being tortured. As I got to the river bank something much bigger than the baby raccoon was running up toward me! I turned and ran thinking that maybe mama 'coon has rabies. I scooped up my two chickens that free-range and everyone is on lock down. (I can't believe that I caught those two. They can be pretty evasive, but somehow I grabbed them both at the same time!)

Wow. I had a visit from a hawk this morning and now this! I was thinking about calling animal control, but I really don't even know what we are dealing with.

Well, my radar is up!
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Wow! That is scary!! I am glad you got away from whatever it was running up the bank toward you . . .I know its not good to see a coon in the daylight hours because of rabies, but I guess since this was a young one, he might have his days and nights screwed up . . .we rarely see anything around our acreage, but I bet when I get chickens, they will be coming out of the woodwork!! It seems to happen that way, its like chickens have a radar on them for free food!! Careful when you mess around outside!
Oh, I am so jumpy now! There is a baseball game going on about 1/2 mile from my house and I keep running out to check the chickens when they cheer!
That would be a scary situation! Take care and carry something you can protect yourself with, be it a baseball bat or whatever. My SO has guns, but they are locked up and I don't know how to use them, besides I can't even hit the broadside of a red barn with my pellet gun. So any pred is safe from me.
Be careful! Momma raccoons are chasing away their mostly grown babies now because it is approaching late summer-fall breeding season. You may have heard a young raccoon accidently running into a strange grown-up raccoon. That would lead to a very noisy confrontation which the young raccoon may or may not have survived. That would account for the screaming. Thay can sound really dreadful, can't they?
I agree with crazy cat lady. I never go 'out back' without my cell phone, mace and a golf club. Golf clubs are a dime a dozen at yard sales. Great to grip and that head really packs a whallop.

PLUS you have to watch out for the 2 legged predators.
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Last night I was awakened by the most horrible noises! I have heard cat fights and raptor attacks before but this was just crazy- so alien and different. I spoke to a neighbor this morning and he thinks it is was a fisher cat. That would make sense. In retrospect, I am pretty sure that is what was running at me Saturday. It almost certainly killed the baby raccoon!
This makes me nervous because it was active during the day when I am not around to protect my girls!
We Have @ Least One Fisher Cat Around Here. Dh Saw It In The Day/dusk. I Say If You Free Range, You're Bound To Lose Chickens.... Just Don't Know When Ya Know... That's Why I Can't Bring Myself To Let Ours Free Range. And Once They Get A 'free Meal' They'll Always Be Back... Just Keep That In Mind.

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