
So, LH, when are you going to come get your Little Love? He keeps packing his tiny suitcase and waiting by the curb.

aaaaawwwwwwww you tell him to hang in there and as soon as it warms up some I shall come get him, I already have 2 women for him plus Aimee so he has his own harem in the works already.
Thank you, Tim. Be sure your military son knows my computer is full of bugs chicken pictures bogging it down.
That's great news that your Barred Rocks have started laying. Now, you're gonna have to start hatching them, too!

Phil Shanks.... no, I haven't heard of him. Yes, Nella is right, I believe Luanne has some beefy Delawares. I hope to have some F3s on the ground in the spring. Heck, I can't even guess what they will be like..... but, I am hopeful.

Kathy external hard drives and memory sticks will hold those pics for easy access, not too expensive and will free up tons of space and keep it clear for your computer in the future. You may want to check out those options as well. The plus right in using the USB cable and appear as another drive on your computer so makes for easy uploading, emailing and etc when you need them. :)
Just dropped in to let you know what I heard from Phil Shanks. It's been a busy day and I'm tired. Went shopping with DW and DD. Any comments are welcome. It looks as though I'll be working harder on these. Help me Jesus! I don't know this Duane Urch.

I’m sorry but I am not aware of anyone in this area breeding Delaware poultry. We have not had any entered at our Eastern Iowa Show for several years. You may try Duane Urch, MN, 507-451-6782, check with or the Ohio National Poultry Show.

Duane Urch is a long time breeder/hatchery. Supposedly he has birds that are considerably better than hatchery quality

Have you spoken to HighSpringsChix in Fla? Seems she has always had some nice Dels and I think she is in Fla

Duane Urch is a long time breeder/hatchery. Supposedly he has birds that are considerably better than hatchery quality

Have you spoken to HighSpringsChix in Fla? Seems she has always had some nice Dels and I think she is in Fla

I wasn't aware of High Springs Chix but will look into it. Also will try to find Duane. Found Duane and sent an e-mail but have his address.

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Ok sorry no clue how to put text with pics - but hey i got the pics posted! Yaya for me
Anyway these are some of my Del- Cochin crosses. The weird thing is if you see - their legs are not only yellow - they are really a deep orange - and they are all that way - isnt that odd?

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