
That's the thing with Docs. No miracles except in the commercials.
Doc said "medicine is not an exact science". Just before I shot him! Just kidding. I just get so angry sometimes. I said "The commercial says you can give me an pill and I'll be like new".
I said , "I don't want to dance the rumba, just get to the chickens each morning. "
I know it could be worse and I'm not really ungrateful.

But I do ask God , why couldn't I have been born rich instead of handsome?

Take care and stay well,

That's the thing with Docs. No miracles except in the commercials.
Doc said "medicine is not an exact science". Just before I shot him! Just kidding. I just get so angry sometimes. I said "The commercial says you can give me an pill and I'll be like new".
I said , "I don't want to dance the rumba, just get to the chickens each morning. "
I know it could be worse and I'm not really ungrateful.

But I do ask God , why couldn't I have been born rich instead of handsome?

Take care and stay well,


Gloria Jean!!! thank you for the Christmas card- I have NOT gotten cards or emails to anyone. I need to thank LH.....I SMELL GOOD!!!!!

Tim, are you just covered over in snow?
I snowblowed again this afternoon. Honestly wrestling that machine around the yard is getting to me. I really need to exercise more I think. I also need to redesign the set up so I just have to make two passes. Out and back. None of this clearing part of the yard for them.

Girls seem to be fine with it though.
Hi Beth, Hope you had a good Christmas. I had a nice one. It was just family. How are the Chickens doing? My 12 Hens have finally, after a month re-adjusted and layed me 10 eggs. YEH!!! I have a nice egg basket now. loveya Gloria Jean
Congrats on the eggs, GJ.

My Birchens laid four for four today. Funny thing is theirs is the least protected and covered of all the coops. It's a hoop coop with just the one section of the front covered with fleece. No covered run like the others. They still go out just the same.
My coop here has a full foot of wire just under the eves on two sides. it seems to be to their liking. Lots of air up high. Solid walls on the others. I tried a tight one once and they got sick that winter , never again. I got nine eggs from 12 hens today ranging in age 2 yrs to this yrs hens. I have a mix of kinds. Most are linebred. I really love them. I can not find the faverolle thread. I searched for it too under the search feature. I am thinking of adding a few of them this Spring. Gloria Jean
At the risk of inviting trouble upon my head I have a question: CAN IT GET ANY DANG COLDER!?!?!?!
We'll be dipping down into the single digits at night for the whole next week, according to the national weather service. There's even the chance that we'll slide all the way down into negative territory!
The main coop is heated, but the little bitty boys coop is not. I decided to bring them in for the next few nights, rather than face a few weeks of treating frost bitten combs. Petroleum jelly will only do so much, ya know.

Big Red is as happy as a pig in a puddle, being as he got the very best roost in the pump house. I did that on account of him being blind in one eye. I didn't want to see him stumble around in unfamiliar surroundings and semi darkness. Being blind in one eye is enough of a handicap. We don't need to add broken appendages on top of it all, TYVM!

CB and Brutus are a bit dysfunctional at the moment. They can see higher perches to be had, but in the dim glow of the night light, they're unable to judge the amount of effort they'd need to expend to gain the higher ground. For now, they seem content to sit on the rim of the deep sink and preen their feathers. But, like I said, as disconcerting as all of this is to them, this beats the heck out of frost bitten combs and wattles!
Yes, beyond a shadow of doubt, I do love my boys!
Hope everyone else is keeping warm and dry.
Happy New Year to You All, Second
What a great way to start a year with my chicken friends. I have beans in the pot and collards being readied. I am Southern you know.!!!! Love ya!! Gloria Jean

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