
Ooooh boy! I've gone and done it this time. Last Wednesday, as I was picking up feed for the chickens, the feed store received a brand new shipment of GSL's, and all of them were screaming at me to take them home. I barely got out of there without bringing all 25 of them home with me!
By the grace of God, I managed to escape with only four! [**whispers conspiratorially** it was only going to be three, but when two jump into your hand at the same time, and you already have two other friendly li'l cusses in the box, what can ya do?]

So, here's the next generation of the Egg Brigade.......

I'm not even going to make excuses for the mess. We're all pretty much old hands with chicks around here, and we all know how little time it takes them to turn a previously pristine brooder into a pig stye, don't we?!? In this instance, about 30 seconds!

I'm thinking of the following names: Aster, Violet, Iris and Heather. What say you all?
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I can't even think of buying chicks. I've got chicks in the brooder, and three at last count under a broody hen and I'm sweating whether the Sussex and a BR hen have gone broody. I've got chicks to give a way.
Oh and I've got eggs in the bator.
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Well, having SIX boys, I didn't DARE hatch out my own. It would have been my luck that I'd get twenty boys and four girls! The last time I purchased chicks, I paid for three pullets. What did I get? Two pullets and another BOY!!!
It's a darn good thing that I have a soft spot for the guys. Well, good for the boys at any rate.
I"m with you, I will not buy anymore Right Now I have lots coming from Kathy and a bator with lots in it too. I'll probably have more in the bator later.
I want some large busseled Buff orpingtons( Hinkjc roo was shooting blanks rights now and I could not afford a hen and roo from Dragonlady WoW!! !) prices) and some pretty Swedish flower hens. What am I thinking, I guess not thinking at all just enjoying. It will be hard this fall to trim the num. down.
I always hate to get rid of a single girl , for whatever reason. I love them all. If I stay healthy, and my hb would stay here this winter I would not get rid of a single girl. BUT, big But, I know he won"t. He will go to the coast of NC again. Sigh......... My only solace is I get to see my little Mattie.
I'd send you some eggs, but all I've got on the Orps is Black and Lavender. I gave the Buff roo to a friend. They all came from Hinkjc. The hens I had both died for some unknown reason.

I can not understand the draw of the coast of NC for the Franklin as both sound pretty good to me. My older brother is in Franklin and complains to be back in NY. Why I'll never know.

I was working to secure the coop for the broody and her chicks and it began to hail!

We should have left the north years ago.
Franklin is not the town of my birth. The coast is, Sigh , in the South that matters. Esp. to my hb. To my mother, to my Daughter etc. I guess when I was a child we just moved so much I did not get that stuck to the place of birth. We moved about 8 times when I was in my pre high-school years. From NC to Michigan etc. I always came to the mtns of NC to visit Grandparents ( the place of my fathers birth) in the Summers just for a wk.. They were my constant. I loved it. Still do. I feel a settled warmth here that I do not feel anywhere else on earth. No one seems to understand in my family about it but me. Its just a feeling. No understanding necessary , right.
Anyway I own 4 acres here. My own Hoot-n-Holler. My Mom named it that. She was mad with me at the time.
. I kept the name.
Franklin is not the town of my birth. The coast is, Sigh , in the South that matters. Esp. to my hb. To my mother, to my Daughter etc. I guess when I was a child we just moved so much I did not get that stuck to the place of birth. We moved about 8 times when I was in my pre high-school years. From NC to Michigan etc. I always came to the mtns of NC to visit Grandparents ( the place of my fathers birth) in the Summers just for a wk.. They were my constant. I loved it. Still do. I feel a settled warmth here that I do not feel anywhere else on earth. No one seems to understand in my family about it but me. Its just a feeling. No understanding necessary , right.
Anyway I own 4 acres here. My own Hoot-n-Holler. My Mom named it that. She was mad with me at the time.
. I kept the name.

Well as Scarlett O' haras' father said lands the only thing that lasts.

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