
Life support??? where. Maybe keeping me going too.
. I am canning apple sauce today too.. Yesterday it was apple butter, yum. My apple tree called Freedom bore the most it ever has and broke some limbs. I was sick and did not prune or spray this yr. They were terrible ugly on the outside but inside amazingly in tact and absolutely delicious. They taste a lot like a winesap. Love them. Next yr. I will spray and watch them not bare for me.
some trees are alternate barers and it maybe. I can not remember. I got several of Scotts CR. I hatched them. They are beautiful chickens. I got them for my brother. There are just too many kinds of beauties out there. Unfortunately I am going to have to decide on just two kinds well maybe three,( I have to have a blue egg layer too. I love the orps, Dels, Ameracuanas, and GNH. I have one baby Faverolle too. She is so cute and spunky right now. i have two Jaerhons. Love them all.
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Life support??? where. Maybe keeping me going too.
. I am canning apple sauce today too.. Yesterday it was apple butter, yum. My apple tree called Freedom bore the most it ever has and broke some limbs. I was sick and did not prune or spray this yr. They were terrible ugly on the outside but inside amazingly in tact and absolutely delicious. They taste a lot like a winesap. Love them. Next yr. I will spray and watch them not bare for me.
some trees are alternate barers and it maybe. I can not remember. I got several of Scotts CR. I hatched them. They are beautiful chickens. I got them for my brother. There are just too many kinds of beauties out there. Unfortunately I am going to have to decide on just two kinds well maybe three,( I have to have a blue egg layer too. I love the orps, Dels, Ameracuanas, and GNH. I have one baby Faverolle too. She is so cute and spunky right now. i have two Jaerhons. Love them all.

Yep I think the very good rain made for a great crop.. Next year we will be back in drought again.
Too many chickens - No way LOL
Gloria Jean, there just ain't no such thing as too many chickens! Really girl! I'm shocked at that thought!!

We got a bit better harvest from the gardens than I thought was going to happen this year. Talk about a long, hot, dry summer! I loved it! I'm already missing our 90+ degree days. But as they say, all good things must end. The land is getting much needed rain now, but I for one could do without. I'd much rather deal with snow, tyvm!

We spent a good deal of this summer fishing. Not on the new boat, mind you. That will be next summer, following a winter long refit of the big boat. We're going to keep the small boat for a number of reasons. Foremost, the small boat had previously belonged to our best friend. When he passed away in 1997, his wife gave it to us. Lots and lots of fond memories of fishing McCalister Creek are tied to that boat. Secondly, it's just the right size for some of the smaller lakes in our area. So, we now have an abundance of boats to our name. I'd like to sell both the canoe and a small [12 footer] fiberglass boat. Just don't have any need for them, but this is NOT the time of year for selling either. I'll probably list them on Craig's List next spring, when I can get top dollar for them. Hey! Gotta come up with innovative ways to pay for the chicken feed, ya know! LOL

I did add four new little girls to the flock this past spring. They were supposed to be red sex links. Someone mistakenly put them in the RSL bin at the feed store and I took them at their word. They've grown up to be some of the sweetest and prettiest RIR girls I've ever seen come from a hatchery. And talk about laying a nice sized egg for pullets! WOW! I'm impressed. Now I just wish I had bought more of them.

I'm going to have to add a good number of girls next spring. I can't keep up with the demand for fresh eggs as it is now. I sure hope I don't lose some of my better customers over the winter, but, most of them understand the situation. We've been through this together before and they always keep in touch. They really like the eggs my girls produce and pounce the moment I let them know that eggs are available. So, I'm not really all that worried.

Well, speaking of those girls, I gotta got get to them. We're leaving for an auction in about a half hour and it's a 2 hour drive to get there!
Y'all have a great day! And keep the posts coming! I've been missing y'all a lot!
I could use some customers for eggs.

That said and to keep this thread alive. Anyone care to share what they've accomplished over the summer? For myself it's never enough. Though I can use the excuse I'm working now. Even if it is only part time.
Tim, the list of what I didn't get done this summer, is much longer than what I did get done
Just one of the hazards of hearing the call of the lake louder than the call of summer chores I guess.
I might be laughing about it now, but I'm sure come November thru March I'll be cussing a blue streak at my lack of due diligenc.

Well, I guess we're just going to sew a button on the idea of going to auction this morning.
Denny woke up with a very nasty head cold and a queazy stomach. Oh well, I didn't really need that antique egg scale, or the antique candling lamp, or the antique egg crate. I'm sure there will be others down the road to buy, some day....maybe. Besides, the boys coop really needs a good cleaning! And there is sewing to get done. Christmas will be here all too soon. The day certainly won't go to waste, to be sure!

Later Taters!
Never enough energy and money to keep up with my ideas. I did a lot of canning this summer from my gardens. My HB built me some boxes( 38" x12ft. up on the flat close but not right up on the house for me to garden in since my stroke a yr. ago. My symptoms of the stroke are mostly gone and I am enjoying life again. The chicken compost has made them extra rich and bountiful. Right now they(5) of them are in fall greens and rutababas. We use some of the greens for the chickens.
We cut down some trees that were growing to close to the house and when we can afford it more will need to go. We got our whole rain supply for the yr. in several months and even now are getting plentiful amts. I love my mtns. We only got to 90 degrees once in a late afternoon on the south west side of this mtn.
I have reared several groups of chicks and thinned them down for winter. I still kept more than I need; but jeepers they are pretty critters. Kathy in Mo. GNH, and Del. Then I have several Jaerhons to try this yr. A favorolle only one hatched due to incubator prob. She is a cutey though. My GNH are really pretty but not laying yet. I found two pullet eggs but one was Jaerhon and one orp. I have a total of 26 including the roos.(3) of them this yr. They are all line breed and I can not part with them. Pretty fellows or the hens. Usually I keep 2 of each variety but I just could not cut them down this yr. that much. I have entirely to many eggs when they are laying and give them away to friends. I live out a right good ways from town and it is harder in the ctry. to sell them. Too much trouble too. Everyone wants a perfect egg without an occ. spot like you get in the grocery store. I do not work outside the home anymore, too old, so I do not have a base to sell too.
It is beautiful here, today after my prayer time I sat on the front porch swing and just enjoyed this little cove. I saw, a ground hog, squirrels, birds of every feather and loads of squirrels, what more could a body want.
Hey out there,

Winter is coming and new dels will still be a while before laying. Down sizing some too. Just to much to take care of.

Had to buy me a new wheel barrow. Broke the handle on the old one. Not to complain after all I did salvage it out of the woods.

I must say, I'm a little self conscious that I've driven everyone away. Kathy, Cynthia and Scott all gone from this thread.

take care and be good,

Rancher I.m still subscribed to this thread - Scott is usually on Heritage Large fowl thread - Kathy on Stella social club - Don't know where Cynthia is hanging.

Edit to say - Oh Hi Kathy glad to hear from you and hope things are going well.
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Well it is good to hear from you both. I did send Scott an e-mail. He does work for a living I know. That and that there are lots of threads and they can be hard to follow them all.

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