
So glad I found you all. I was feeling a bit lonely back there when someone (thanks Cetawin) gave me a heads up about the SDWD thread. So now I am not so lonely any more
I knew you must have gone somewhere. I have only had a chance to read to page 3, but more tonight after work. Stay cool everyone! And give those birds some watermelon, they deserve it.
Yeah- does the darkness on the comb indicate worms? My older wellie roo has started getting dark around the edges of his comb, and even though he seems huge, I can feel his breast bone. Geez I just went out twice to get meds- just in case- because I added a lot of birds lately. Guess I should have got the Wazine

On the meds topic- can you give wazine at the same time as sulmet? Will they cancel eachother out? I figured I'd give a round to all the outside birds seen as how virtually none of them are laying now anyway.
Cyn Cyn yoohoo Cyn I took pics of the Sumo Wrestling Kung Fu chicken if I can get hubby off the computer I need to upload them!

There's my DeDe with her interesting new comb style. She's one of your largest girls, isn't she?

Like the truck. Is the kid this year's model? Will you be trading her in for another if she malfunctions?

The comb darkness doesn't indicate worms specifically, but can mean something is wrong in the body. Sometimes, it's a circulatory issue, like a heart insufficiency, but could if it comes and goes, it's just the "thermostat" working.

I'm not sure who moved it out of RR, but since this is mainly a chat thread and not limited to chickens, I think it really does belong in RR. I think one of the staff didn't realize that, but that's okay.​
The comb darkness doesn't indicate worms specifically, but can mean something is wrong in the body. Sometimes, it's a circulatory issue, like a heart insufficiency, but could if it comes and goes, it's just the "thermostat" working.

Ah- OK. He's the "head guy", and out in the open in the heat more than anybody. Poor guy- the rest of them hide out in the woods or the shop all day. I don't know how the birds can handle this heat. I have broody cochins standing over their eggs.
I'm barely hanging on in this heat. Never saw anything like it here in the mtns. We should have no more than one or two 90 degree days all summer long, not a month of them. It's sapping all my energy. I feel trapped so I can only imagine how the poor birds feel. Every day is spent trying to keep them from keeling over.

Anyone want a private mini-farm in the N. Ga. mtns? Please? Pretty please? I think DH is ambivalent about moving again; we've been here longer than we've been in any one home our entire almost 35 year marriage, but so much has changed in since we bought it 8 years ago in the economy, our general health/condition, what we want and need, etc. It has such potential, it really does, but we don't have the muscle, money or will to make it shine.

Oh, I sure hope someone gives Roosevelt a good home, SOON. He will be trying to mate my old ladies soon and that scares me. I have nowhere else for him to go, though. Check out his handsome pics here:
Quote: ONLY got to 95 here yesterday! I checked on the high temps here since June 1 and we have had 7 or 8 days, since June 1, that were NOT over 90!!! Its tooooo much already. We haven't had any rain here since last Friday and we need some badly

BTW - thanks for getting us "moved back" to the random ramblings section.....Beth made a left turn at the Family section and couldn't find us!!!

Forecast is calling for over 90 here the next 10 relief in sight. I have never hoped for a tropical weather system/hurricane before but that may be the only thing that breaks this heat cycle we are having. Fortunately we are pretty well shaded here and the chooks are finding shade anywhere they the woods, under my four wheeler trailer, under the coops, 2 of the CR girls were actually perched up on the fence yesterday....I guess they caught a very faint breeze right there because they weren't moving!

Stay cool
I cannot handle trying to keep birds alive in this heat if this will be a pattern for our summers. I will eventually get down to a small flock of bantams that can easily stay confined and give them A/C if that is the case.
Wow LH, I didn't realize the Porcelain boy had the comb thing going on as well. None of my boys had that at all.......sure hope it was just something he picked up off the ground (worms, cocci, etc). I have 1 porcelain boy left (who was badly picked so I kept him to let him recover) and I think 3 girls......I had planned on keeping for myself. I looked at them all this morning and they were fine and dandy as they came flinging out of the coop with the 9 million others. No dark combs, no lethargy. I am getting ready to do a round of wazine myself since the girls are slacking in the laying department and I have had them over a year without deworming. I also switched to gamebird starter/breeder to bump up the protein level.

The heat here is killer. I had that one silver laced hen who got caught in the fencing and was stuck for a couple days halfway under the wood pile....still amazed she survived in this heat. She is still super thin, of course, but is otherwise fine and dandy. She is the girl standing up in this pix.


And the slightly cockeyed piece of lattice right to the left of her head is where she was stuck. The huge pile of wood that was behind it has been moved.....
Ha-ha, Scott, very FUNNY!!! Oh, well, actually, that IS what I did- I finally subscribed to this topic and let the computer sniff it out for me!

Cyn, move closer to me!!!!

My DH was raised here in the mts. and he says he does not remember a summer this hot- I sprayed down the runs this morning - it's muggy, but I thought it was worth it to try to cool down some of the spots in the shade for later. However, it's supposed to start cooling off a little bit starting tomorrow, so maybe we will get some relief.

Nella, those are SUCH pretty birds- lacing is way too cool!
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I was searching (surfing) looking for causes of comb coloration, and found this from avianweb...

The comb turns bluish / greyish / purplish. This symptom could be caused by any of the following:

*Blood flow is compromised for some reason, such as cold comb, heart failure, liver failure, and so on poor blood circulation
*Occurs when they get frost-bitten – if that is the case, covering the comb with Vaseline is common practice.
*Also occurs when poultry gets stressed
*They could have eaten some toxin/poison
*Some genetic problem that caused something internal to fail at an early age (likely only if the affected birds were related).
*Some infection (viral / bacterial) could also be the cause.

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