
Yard/Scott? I hope you get the job.

I'm royally upset. DD applied for jobs teaching here in NY specifically one in Buffalo where she lived. Well they didn't offer her a job so she took a job in Houston and her and DH moved. I was not happy and wanted them to trust the Lord. She's hasn't been since she graduated highschool some of you will understand.
Well she got a call today from Buffalo, where they lived, and was offered a job teaching math. School starts on Wednesday. I am so ticked off. I miss them. My DD graduated with honors and is certified in all grades of school. She worked her butt off. She knew I never liked the idea of them moving to Houston. Let this be a lesson to those who don't trust the Lord. No i dont' believe it was Gods will, except maybe to teach her a lesson to pray and do what God wants. He knows best. Always, everytime, anytime! They had jobs when they left but she wouldn't wait on the Lord.

Well in other matters, how many put bands on their chickens. Iv'e got numbered bands but have to get smaller ones as the hens keep knocking them off. I have no idea how. They are light blue. Is there color that is better?

Take care, ( Yard wait on the Lord be of good courage. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, not your own understanding of things.)

Love ya all
Tim....I have definitely given this one over to the Lord. I cannot physically take the stress and worry of hunting for a job again so I have turned over the worry/stress to Him and completely placed my faith in Him to provide....just as he has always done for me. Sometimes its hard (like in your DDs case) when we "think" we know better. I know that I have a part in this, but that He will ultimately guide me to where I am supposed to look and find.

Not unlike the deliverance of the people to the promised land, God will always lead you where you are supposd to be. Unfortunately, in my "human-ness" I sometimes let my ego get in the way of my faith. I'm trying to do better. I know He provides for the birds of the air and animals of the field and that I am more important to Him than they are. Sometimes a "burning bush" would be a welcome sight but I am also very grateful in times like these to have Him to lean on for understanding, comfort and guidance. Without that I would truly be lost.

Hope you are spoiling that new grand-baby rotten already and I will be sure to keep your DD (and her family) in my prayers....that she may discern for herself where the Lord would have her to be.

As for leg bands, right now I use colored "zip ties" to ID mine. I found a package at Lowes or Home Depot with about 8-10 different colors and that is what I have been using. However, I will be getting some adjustable aluminum bands once I set up breeding pens in the Spring.

Everyone have a great evening!!
Hey Tim. Sorry to hear that your DD and her DH had to move all that far away just for work. So, will they be coming back now? One day just isn't enough of a warning, is it?

On the leg bands: I get mine from one of the feed stores in Spokane. They're just a nice round plastic band, similar to a key ring type of set up. I like the fact that they have three or four colors, but more choices would be welcomed by me! I have 5 girls who look nearly identical at a distance. Having leg bands was a must have for me in keeping straight in my own mind who is who.

I've seen folks use the zip ties that you can buy at places like Home Depot and Lowe's. They're fairly cheap, easy to remove if you ever need to, come in a rainbow of colors and are wonderfully adjustable! No more of those girls being clever and sneaking out of their leg bands! The next time I need such a wide variety of colors, I'm going with the zip ties! Look in the electrical accessories section of either home improvement place.

As to one color being any better than another?
Beats the heck outta me! I think whichever appeals to you should do. But don't you DARE put a pink band on a big roo! He might take it personally!
Yard, Amen.

Serrin , I dont know if they will or not. If the Lord is merciful perhaps they'll only have to be in Tx for the year. Maybe NY will get it's act together and she'll find a job teaching her next year. She's a very willful and stubborn girl. If I told you the whole story you'd think she'd have learned this is where she belongs. "God places the members in the body (of Christ) as it pleases Him."

I prefer the numbered bands as they allow me to keep better track in the record book. Num. 12 is a Del and she's the broody hen that recently hathced a chick. I have two BO's and I have one sitting on some eggs. If I tag the other I'll know who is the broody and what her number is. I have 4 CM's and the one that went broody this time has a scar but the others don't so I need to number them as well. When they look so much alike it's important to know who lays what and what her chicks look like. Georgia girls is beginning to look alot like one of mine. I know who the father is but not who the mother is.

well take care folks, God Bless

I sure don't get much computer time anymore. Just want you all to know I am thinking about you.

This morning one of my Delaware pullets (Miss Dare Devil) flew up on top of her coop (it has a sloping roof), as she does every day. THEN, she flew up on top of the breeder barn (8 feet high), which was something new. Well, when she flew down, she dropped with a thud, and hurt her leg. I don't think it is broken, but she sure is limping. The ninny....
I tell ya, I think raising chickens is nearly as bad as raising kids ..... I am always worried what they are gonna do next!

Scott, Best wishes on the job possibility!
And I think about you too Kathy!
And Cyn & Cetawin, Beth & Nella, Germain, Scott and Tim, Gloria Jean and Trish [if she'd ever get her hiney in here!
] All y'all are on my mind, all day long, and well into the night.
Y'all have become rather an extended family to me now. And I can't imagine what I would do without ya some days. Just knowing that you're all out there, spread across this great nation of ours, gives me a sense of companionship and camaraderie that I've never found anywhere else. Long live BYC! Long may we be friends! And may all of your girls lay nice big beautiful eggs!

OK, it's midnight in my neck of the woods. I'm heading for bed y'all. Have sweet dreams and a fabulous day tomorrow....or, is that today, now that we're all on the morning side of the first of September???
September!!!!! I can hardly believe the summer is almost over. We are having 95 degree weather today, but the mornings are chilly with a little fall nip in the air. Scott and Tim, keeping you both in my prayers (or your family Tim) Scott.... I know what you mean about wanting to take things in my own hands in my "humanness" It sometimes seems so much easier to "just do it" instead of trusting in my creator to know what is best. Hope the job search goes well, and that He finds just the right job for you

Yesterday I got 4 eggs. My numbers are increasing
and no poop on my back yesterday.

Did I tell you all that my DH brought home 7 goats 10 days ago? Going from 0 to 7 overnight sure has been interesting. The chickens love the goats as it brings them lots more little bugs to eat. When they are outside, it is straight to the barn for them. I am thinking of making a connection between the barn and the chicken run so the chickens can get down there any time they want. We'll see.

Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Yard full o' rocks :

Ok....Janelle and Amy. Its time for Dellie pix!!??

I would love to see how the little rascals are growing

Post some when you can......please!!??

When I talked to Amy on Monday hers were all doing well and were quite friendly. Unfortunately, mine have been struggling....I lost 1 dellie/rock on sunday and 1 dellie yesterday. The other dellie doesn't look well today. I thought cocci originally as there was a bloody poop in the brooder.....but have been treating since Saturday or so.....There are a BUNCH of other chicks in there...some from a broody hatch here, some from another person, 1 from a different person.....those all look fine. These babies are by far the youngest and smallest so maybe it just hit them harder. There is plenty of food and treated water available and I haven't noticed any bullying or picking. It's a new brooder on its 2nd batch of chicks, so this is the first issue I've had in it. Keep your fingers crossed they turn around!​
Got pix this morning..........Amy (oops, I mean CETAWIN) here is a slightly better one of the boy we talked about. He was trying to convince the Welsummer pullet on the other side of the fence to pay attention to him. LOL


I sold my mille cochin flock this week.........however i kept one rooster just cause he was so darn purdy


He is only about 5-6 months old so still has a lot of filling out to do. He is super wide though and actually very typey although he needs to get more tail feathers....great chest mottling.....he rules the rooster pen....Every morning when I let everybody out he goes rampaging around the pen dancing at everyone and chasing the wimpy boys around.
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