
It's gonna be awfully boring around here all weekend without Lady Hawk.
May as well go fishing ....

HEY .... Wanna play .... Name that chicken!

What breeds do you see in these pictures? (The one wearing shoes is a mutt!)

ETA: No, Tim, those are not Delawares!
The four legged one is not a pure bred either.




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OK, I'll play!!!
Light Sussex
Jersey Giants,
BBS Orps
Miss Polly who is herself
either RIR or Buckeyes- can't tell at that distance
Black Copper Marans? except I didn't think you had any of those-
Is there a blue/wheaton something or other in there?

Am I anywhere near right? Actually, I don't think I could tell a BC Marans from a sexlink, and I need an education there!
Oh good Lord woman! It's too early in the morning for guessing games!
I'll have to come back to this one after I've had a few more cups of tea. No matter what else you call them, somewhere the words "Beautiful", "Gorgeous", "Pretty", and "delightful" must be used in their description! Especially that beautiful, gorgeous, pretty and delightful rooster of yours!
WOW! What a nifty looking fella! What is he Kathy? And is he sweet and gentle? How is he with his ladies? And how is he with you?
Just a beautiful boy!! Oooohhh! La La!!

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