
Sure you do ............... they are all in the broody pens!
Exactly! ACTUALLY, its my old rooster pen but I only had 4 boys left in there since I keep adding boys to the yard to help with hawk calls....and these 4 try to kill anything that is added to their pen, so they got bumped to an 8x8 covered pen instead.

Actually i was thinking of moving that last batch of babies out of the top level of the brooder shed and just locking them into the 4x8 coop. Then I would have my extra brooder for the mom and baby.

Ideas, Ideas.....
It moved to Anderson Co, which is closer.

I'm going to wait a while longer and then play the weenie card to see if I can go home early and lock some birds up....
Yep. I am definitely going to blow away. Tornado watch in effect here now and the warning for about 3040 minutes northwest of here? Something like that.

Was nice knowing you all! Sigh.
We have been under tornado watch all day, Bourbon (Paris) and Fayette (Lexington) counties are under Tornado warning. The wind here has been horrid. Everyone is locked up safely and ticked off about it too.

My steel porch swing was moved about 12' and placed ON TOP of my husband's truck box...that big black box that cat and cannoball were on in a pic a week or so ago...yeah my swing was placed on top of that box. LOL

Tons of rain falling too. And I'm sick waaaaaaa:hit
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When I went home at lunch to batten down the hatches, only a few chickens came running up to the top of the yard for treats. The rest were near the lattice fence down by the garage. On second thought, they were probably pinned to the fence by the wind, LOL.

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