
I've a quick question. Anyone have a Del that lays purple spotted eggs? I have one that does, she's a WNY girls and the ones she's laid the last couple times are very large. I've got one today and it's going into the bator. She's at least two so I don't know how much longer she'll be laying.
I get a freckled egg almost every day, and occasionally one that has what you might call purple spots on it -

Boni and I cannot figure out what was wrong with Jo- but I suspect it was strangers trying to put her in a trailer in the dark. Boni is going to try to borrow a trailer and work with her, and will be there the next time the transporter shows. I am going to send a tape recording of my voice scolding heavily and reminding her to uphold the family honor.
Good grief, LadyHawk, what is going on? I swear you should be exhausted with stress in your life. I think it is time to ease up now. Surely it will soon, I hope.

Nella, I have been working construction today. I should say, "ghetto construction!"
Made an 8x4 coop totally from scraps here. Decided to see what I could do without having to run into town. I started with the base being pallets, covered with a piece of plywood. I have alot of corrugated tin, so I used that for roofing and the siding. Only had to make 3 sides, because I built it on one side of the layers coop. Not fancy, but it'll work ..... it is functional.

Nice day here today around 70, though a little windy. Hope you all had a great day!
Talked to LadyHawk earlier, and she reminded me that you're going to the OH Nationals. We need to figure out a time and place to hook up! Would love to meet you.
Am secretly a bit bummed that I can't meet Joleta herself, but DH is grateful. He has dreams of getting home sooner, rather than later....

And I'm taking Ms Chey further into the d'Uccle Darkside muhahahahaha!!!
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kathy, where are the pix of this ghetto coop?

I have a very similar coop. 4x8 and built not only onto the back of the garage but against the side of the coop as well. So i only had to make TWO sides. Take that, neener neener LOL.



It's either my grow out pen or my rooster pen. Right now its my empty pen. Hear that? EMPTY. Because i will BREAK my neck going up that slippery hill in this weather. I need to build a path from the gate to the door of the coop.
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I am exhausted...mentally for sure.

Okay my dear friends on this thread who know me well and most of you know Cheyenne or know so much about her that she is like a member of this is the scoop...the abridged version

1. Cheyenne has been being tormented from day 1 at this school since back in April...peers calling her names such as "mexican girl", "Indian girl where is the dot on your forehead", Pocohontas, Arabic terrorist and the latest because she hugged a female friend of hers..."Lesbian". Comments relating to her mixed racial background, she is 1/2 Puerto Rican and 1/2 Cherokee Indian with a little diluted Italian in the cherokee side.

2. All of the tormenting has taken its toll and Cheyenne is not a verbal Biotch like her mother so she takes it in silence and tries to ignore it...but it hurts her so she begins losing focus in class and on her classwork and homework.

3. All of this got to Cheyenne and as most of you know, she tried skipping a class on two ocassions and was caught with her friend in the bathroom. Well the friend was not the request of the other girl's father, Cheyenne was. Cheyenne was separated to a separate table in the cafeteria to eat alone and she was placed on hallway restriction meaning when the change of class bell rings, everyone but Cheyenne can leave. Cheyenne cannot leave until her classmates are long gone and she only has time to go to her locker and her next class. This has been going on for months. All of this leading to more teasing and more withdrawing by Cheyenne.

4. Last Thursday a teacher decides to call together all of her teachers to discuss her schoolwork and the teacher later decides, during class, to tell Cheyenne "I met with all of your teachers and if you do not start focusing, we are recommending that you be held back and not go to the 9th Grade". Doing this WITHOUT so much as telling us about the meeting, about the 4 classes she is nearly failing telling us Notta.

5. Thursday evening Cheyenne is chatting with a classmate and friend on her yahoo messenger and she tells the friend that she is going to fail and not get to go to 9th grade with everyone else and that when her parents find out she won't live to the end of the year. (Mind you we are almost to the halfway point of the second trimester so report cards come home right before holiday break).

The friend decides to call two other classmates and tell them that Cheyenne is planning on killing herself before the year is out and asks them to report it at school.

Friday 2 kids go to guidance and report this BS and I get called at 1 pm to come to the school immediately because Cheyenne has stated she will kill herself before the year ends.

So, I go to the school to find out that...A: They have not yet spoken to Cheyenne B: That they are ordering me to have a risk assessment done by a psychiatrist or Cheyenne cannot go back to school

so, I am asked stupid questions such as if there is anything in my home that could help cheyenne commit suicide to which I exploded and told them that EVERY home in this country had something in it to help aid someone in committing suicide from household cleaners, disposable razors, a bungee cord, rope, kitchen knives etc etc and that if they were going to continue with the stupidity that I was leaving. Sooooo the rocket scientist school psychologist says "Well I never thought of it that way" to which I exploded again telling her that for her to think of that way it would require her being capable of thinking outside the little textbook boxes she was checking off and think.

So, they call Cheyenne in who thinks it is about her grades...tell her all this crap she says she has no intent of harming herself that she could never do something like that blah blah and they stick to their guns about the evaluation.

Fast forward to Saturday talking with my daughter about all of this when I find out that A: the teacher had this meeting and informed Cheyenne she would be held back etc etc...I had not heard anything about that and the Asst. Principal, guidance and etc knew nothing about it and B dead before thethat the end of the year comment was made ONLINE in my house and NOT at school and NOT to the two individuals reporting was reported incorrectly third hand.

Cheyenne allowed me to read the entire messenger conversation of when the comment was made and it was clearly relating to us hearing about her failing and not her plotting to kill herself.

This morning I call the school and ask them when comment was made and where....they say "No idea" I ask to whom they say "we cannot name the students because of the right to privacy" I ask what about her privacy they say "ummmmm" I ask what about my privacy and that of my home they say "we are not invading your privacy" I ask at what pointdo they plan on doing their job of EDUCATING my daughter and allow me to do my job of PARENTING her they say "ummmmm" I say I want a thorough investigation of the claims they say "No, they have done all the investingating they are going to and they are speaking to the two students again" I say "well until you do your JOB properly, I see no reason for me to jump to your mandate of paying a psyciatrist to evaluate her on an unproven comment and an allegation made third party as I know WHO the comment was made to and what the comment was EXACTLY which was not what was reported and that it was made in MY HOME" they said "ummmmm".

So, I picked Cheyenne up, I am having her keep up with her school work but in the interim I have reported all of this, including the harrassment to the KY State Police, The County Attorney, the KY Board of Education, Social Services and the Children's Law Center.

I am after backsides with a venegance and I am not letting husband has grabbed on like a pitbull and he is not letting go and if we need to pull her out and homeschool her so be it but a lawsuit is very likely forthcoming.

And my Horsey is not here I need to hug and love on my Horsey....soon
Was Jim's version of the event the same as Tony's? I know what it was...they messed with a Diva's beauty rest time...they both should know better but they are mere men. *snicker* As long as she can work with her, I will set it up again for the 28th or 29th but a daylight pickup only and Boni has got to be there, I have to be able to tell Tony that she has been in and out of a trailer and was worked with. If Joleta bites Tony again I will not be able to get him to go back. LOL My little Diva needs a hug....I need to hug her.

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