
Hi guys,

Just thought Id add a few pictures today, as I had time to go play outside this mornings in Florida in the fall/winter. Anyway, first off, I have my splash rock rooster that I just have no place for right now. So I thought Id put him in my grow out pen with my little chicks and see how he did, since he's always been so mellow. Well, he's been out there for over a month, and he's just the best boy!!




I dont think any of the hens would be better then he is towards them. Ive never seen him peck them, even once, even when he's chillin out laying down, and they jump on him. He's so good!

This is a picture of some kind of sunflower....Peruvian? Argentinian? Venezuelan? I cant remember. Theres a cuban family down the road that has dozens of these lining their yard. I stopped one day when the lady was watering them, and asked her what they were...they literally stop traffic. She doesnt speak Eng, and I dont speak Span, so it was tough at first, but she finally understood that I was admiring them, and she told me they were "Peruvian or whatever" sunflowers. Then she went over and ripped one branch out of the ground and gave to me. So I stuck it in the ground last year, and it came up this year, and just grows like a weed. When one of the branches blow over, I just yank it up and stick it in the ground and it grows. Love plants like this.


This is what i saw when i first walked in little baby head peeping out from under momma.


She is a very angry broody.



3 yellowish, 3 chipmunky, 1 blue and 2 blacks. the one that fell out of the nest was black, so she had 3 of each color plus a blue
Yup, there were some beautiful birds, and the call ducks were really adorable. The bunnies were really not anything special, and probably Chey would've ended up with a 'surprise' in a couple of weeks

When she said she wanted something I let her keep talking until she started patting her pockets. That's when I said, "Call your mom!"
No way, no how, was I going to bring LadyHawk more critters without her official okey-dokey!!
I was already very impressed that she trusted us with her most precious critter!!

I had told Chey she should come spend a few days with CJ over the summer. CJ turned it into at least a week before Chey decided it should be 2 weeks.

I was picturing LadyHawk dropping her off on her way to a party at Cynthia's house

Who likes? In the Spring time I will be renovating this shed from home depot into a coop. It's 11 x 7. How many chickens can I hold? Don't really feel like doing math right now... coffee in hand... lol.

I did the same thing with a rooster. I have found that roosters are soooo sweet to chicks, very protective of them. I have never (yet anyway) had a rooster be mean to chicks.

Oh WOW ..... those are really nice! I suppose they would not grow here in Missouri clay. I would love to have something like that!

Awwwww, sweet chicks! I love the variety, too!
kathyinmo wrote:

I did the same thing with a rooster. I have found that roosters are soooo sweet to chicks, very protective of them. I have never (yet anyway) had a rooster be mean to chicks.

Knock on wood!
In related news, every time i get pix of my big rir/cochin broody, it involves squatting since she is on the bottom level of a 2 level brooder shed. And the little monsters on the top level kick shavings onto my head the whole time. They think they're hilarious.


Since i am still short a day pen and its raining now and I have things to do, Mr Mottled's night pen became his day pen. LOLOL, it works at least. Cold enough he won't cook, covered from sun and rain in the open part of the garage and protected from the demon rooster who wants to kill him.


Last but not least, here is a picture of my younger blue cochin rooster. I tried to pawn him off on LadyHawk back in July at a swap......Cheyenne even carried him around for a while, ha ha ha. He has turned into a great rooster.


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