
That is fabulous news about your sis!

Birthday...what is this "birthday" of which you speak?
Totally beautiful Kathy!!!

Give him a big hug for me!! That's a long way off for me (I hope, as Landon is only 16,LOL)....but babies are such a beautiful gift from God

Love him'll be a wonderful grandmama I'm sure
Yard full o' rocks :

Totally beautiful Kathy!!!

Give him a big hug for me!! That's a long way off for me (I hope, as Landon is only 16,LOL)....but babies are such a beautiful gift from God

Love him'll be a wonderful grandmama I'm sure

They sure are and a precious one too.

He is absolutely perfect Kathy...tell Brittany she did good! Kiss his forehead for me and tell him this is my gift to him...his first bedtime prayer...I will translate it to English for you as I doubt you would ever get it said if you tried to say it in T'salagi. hehehe When he is older he can say it himself...maybe I will get the chance to teach it to him in the language of my grandfathers. Ya never know I could become his first phone caller from afar. hehehe

Angels bless and angels keep
Angels guard me while I sleep
Bless my heart and bless my home
Bless my spirit as I roam
Guide and guard me through the night
and wake me with the morning's light​
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Nice try but you can come out from under that chair woman....we know, we always know.

Thank you for everything.

Maybe all these social workers, guidance counselors and teachers are right....Cheyenne ain't right! Hubby and I went to town....when we got home this is what was happening and what had happened....

There is a chicken in my hall bathroom;
2 chickens in a crate from the coop because ... they were not happy in the big coop; and
1 chicken (a new d'uccle from Lori) eating sushi.


Oh lordy I got go sort this mess out...and take the sushi plate away
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LadyHawk, your prayer has been copied and placed in Kayson's baby book. It is just lovely. B is still waiting for the umbilical cord to fall off. She told all the nurses and her Dr. what you are going to do. They were all in awe.

I found this old picture of my grandparents, long gone now, when they first moved to town. They were both born in the 1800s. They were very odd folks. You would NOT even believe some of the stories. I mean really, unbelievable stories. My mother was a "late in life," baby.

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OMG what a priceless picture....I have several here that I need to have restored that are very great grandfather as a toddler for one...I do not even know if it can be restored because it is so fragile
I believe that picture was in 1963, when they were getting ready to go to their youngest son's wedding. My father took my grandfather into the bedroom and dressed him more properly, after this photo. These were my mother's parents. My grandfather was a master carpenter and would swindle anyone he could, in a second. He used to take tiny wire and wrap it around a horses lower leg, to make it limp (at an auction), so he could claim it was lame and buy it cheap. He used to hide money in the walls of the house. When they were moved to a nursing home, thousands of dollars were found in jars hidden in walls and in the garden. The money had to be taken to some bank to be counted, because much of it disintegrated. Thousands of dollars back then was alot of money.
Beth... I slept, like a ROCK, till 6am when the alarm went off and I shlept outta bed

Cetawin, WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO Oh I'm so happy for that news
Will still be prayin for yall!! And hope she gets over the migraine headache from the tap

Kathy, AWWWWWWW He;s just SO precious!
And WOW, thats such a priceless moment, that picture

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