
Ask the delivery person to stop and grab a shake on the way.

Actually they are almost next door to a sonic. Wouldn't that be funny..............add in a note that says extra tip if you get me a strawberry creamslush from Sonic. Or a peanut butter fudge milkshake. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...............

I skipped going out for a milkshake because I'm sure I have some sort of dessert items around here somewhere.....ooooh, s'mores.....

ALSO, I will take some pix of my pretty egg later......all live animal pix will have to wait until this weekend when I can be outside in the daylight. Sigh.

Funny neighbor has a friend who wants to buy one of my pens. Ha ha ha ha. I told him to send him over this weekend and I will show him how to make one of his own instead.
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Buddy if I get a broody anything I am sending the broodiness straight to you! I will not go through it alone and Janelle is used to it so it would be no more torture for her than normal so that leaves YOU.

When you mention "up close with latex gloves"....I'M OUTTA HERE. This Polish Redneck ain't gettin' anywhere near an animal requiring "that kind" of attention. Watching the C-section birth of both my boys was WAY more than enough for me
Yard full o' rocks :

Buddy if I get a broody anything I am sending the broodiness straight to you! I will not go through it alone and Janelle is used to it so it would be no more torture for her than normal so that leaves YOU.

When you mention "up close with latex gloves"....I'M OUTTA HERE. This Polish Redneck ain't gettin' anywhere near an animal requiring "that kind" of attention. Watching the C-section birth of both my boys was WAY more than enough for me​

I always wear a latex glove before I pick up a horse's tail....a valuable lesson I learned at about age 9. LOL
This rotten rain and subsequent melting can just STOP! as in right NOW!
YUCK!!! I want my sub freezing temperatures back pronto!

Poor Brutus!
He was soaked through to the skin and shivering when I went to tuck them in tonight. Neither Red nor CB had gotten anywhere near this wet, probably because they didn't come out from under their covered run all day. Brutus had spent most of the day at the fence line out in front of the big coop and run with that silly love sick look on his face over Maggie. And that's why he's now soaked!

Needless to say, Brutus will be staying in the pump house until he is DRY! At which time he will promptly return to the coop for the remainder of the night. I don't want any repeat scuffles between him and Red, TYVM! Gawds! Do I spoil my boys, or what!?!?!

OK, time to go put dinner on the table. Beef pot roast that has been slow cooking all day, home grown taters, carrots and turnips! YUUUM!!!! Later taters!
* SIGH* OF RELIEF! Ok, I will buy the parking out over the mud story. I can put the rifle away and sleep in peace tonight.
It's too COLD for shakes or malts or ice cream of any kind, and I cannot believe I am saying that, considering I am an ice cream addict!

Scott, man up. You can deal with it.

I gave Bill (Mudstopper) 7 Del eggs tonight - what a NICE person he is. Kathy, this will be Alexander's first babies on the ground, and all out of Ike daughters, so I am hoping all 7 are good and will hatch.
I do wish the girls hadn't decided to have full fledge molting right now, I was hoping to be able to give him a few more eggs than that. Lizzie has lost almost all her tail, and Janie looks like a ragamuffin.
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If Rob ever gets rid of this thread, many of us will go down a thousand or so.

I gave Bill (Mudstopper) 7 Del eggs tonight - what a NICE person he is. Kathy, this will be Alexander's first babies on the ground, and all out of Ike daughters, so I am hoping all 7 are good and will hatch.
fl fl fl I do wish the girls hadn't decided to have full fledge molting right now, I was hoping to be able to give him a few more eggs than that. Lizzie has lost almost all her tail, and Janie looks like a ragamuffin.

I wanted to send him some eggs, too, but my girls are molting terrible, and I can not collect enough worth shipping. I got 3 Del eggs today, though one of those may have been a Light Sussex. I have 3 Light Sussex girls (and no rooster) that live with the Dels for the winter. The Sussex eggs are lighter colored than the Dels. 2 of the Light Sussex girls are molting, too. It makes them look so skinny, without their feathers.

One little Del girl begs to be held, and she is prickly as a porcupine. Poor thing. She just loves to be held. Mike is so gentle, and he holds her and soothes her. She is a spoiled one, that girl! Another one is nearly all white, can hardly see any black at all, at this point. I hope they hurry up, as I worry they will be getting cold.​



Starting from top and going clockwise:

Dark egg.....Wheaten Marans
White egg.....White Leghorn
Olive egg.....Olive egger (LOL)
Tinted aka light light tan egg....White Leghorn/Jersey Giant
Pinkish egg......RIR (I think)

Also, a cute picture I found from earlier this year. Looks like Frankie is guarding the reality, he is not. LOL


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