
I'm one of those crazy bleeding heart, soft spot for rescues people. I worked at a shelter for 7 years and volunteered for a few years before that. I fostered here and ther while working there......but always only had 2 dogs. Then we got the 3rd dog, right before the old dog died. I moved out here, brought the two dogs. Added a 3rd dog....added a 4th dog (2.5 years later) and my family thinks I am INSANE. A 5th dog is going to send them looking for a therapist LOL. I do still just have the 1 cat though! And the 2 rabbits, the horse, 4 ducks, million chickens, etc.

I am thinking the only way to justify another dog is to downsize something else. Trying to work up the courage to cull roosters this weekend. If I can do that, I am going to sell all my extra bantam girls. That should really help me downsize.

Anyone want a bunny? LOL.
Well your other justification is you sound like you have a good heart - and honestly as i am sure you have seen - no one really wants ones that old - i dont know why - but . Go with your heart and your gut feeling!
( we will want pictures when you get her home - ya sucka! LOL)
Nella, that is great! I love adoption! A keeper you got there!

Kathy, did you happen to receive my PM?

(oh, and let's please not discuss it here.
Still waiting to hear back on the dog....sigh.....

Found pix of my old dog that she looks a lot like....





I am hoping I get to adopt her, but have to get my application "approved" etc. Stillllll waiting. Will call them tomorrow if I haven't heard from them by noon.
Good luck, Nella! They do look alot alike, don't they! WOW .... must be fate.

Oh, guess what .......................

I have a broody.
Today is the 3rd day I have booted her off the nest, and again at roost time. I guess tomorrow I may set her up in one of the new broody cages. I will pull some eggs out of the incubator and give to her.
A broody! LOL....have fun with that. My rir/cochin is still crazy momma.....she tries to attack the other chicks through the baby gate

All babies are alive and dandy! All brooders are staying below freezing, except the rir/cochin one....her water consistently freezes. Good thing she is big and fluffy!

I posted all my extra roosters on craiglist......and got a million takers. If I can get rid of them this weekend, I will go ahead and list all my extra girls. Hoping to have about 10 fewer roosters and maybe 15-20 fewer hens. 30 fewer chickens! What will I do with myself?
You want me to answer that?
I have (fill in number here) eggs in the incubator. You are welcome to have MOST of the chicks!

HEY .... really though .... seriously, would you be interested in Icelandics? We need more people working on preserving this breed. Interested?
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Noooooooo, I am not good at breed projects. I have my mottled pen and will swap through a mille rooster for mille cochin project birds. Other than that, I just want a "fun flock".

Don't forget, I have nearly 30 chicks growing out right now too. Sigh.

But thanks anyways! 6 months ago, I probably would have taken you up on it.

I really want to get to 50 chickens or less. I'm trying!

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