
That's what I was gonna say!
Nick, if you buy that, you're nuts boy! You can do a heck of a lot better for a $75 budget. And Nella would be just the person's brain to pick on ways to go about building just about anything. You listen to her! She won't steer ya wrong!

Nella, we do have a snow blower, and a tractor too. But the tractor slammed herself into two gears simultaneously a year ago when Denny's foot slipped off the clutch suddenly. We simply haven't had the time to fix it. The snow blower, while a very good old work horse, can't handle what we have right now. If we had had another layer of packed snow under this new snow, things would have been fine. But, all of the packed snow melted away over the last few days. And now there is nothing to stop the snow blower from digging in too deep and start picking up gravel from the driveway. The last time she did that, she threw her sheer key and snapped her chain in the process. It's amazing how much damage just one small rock can do to one of these beasties!

Anyhow, conditions just aren't right for using it. And the wind is blowing like a Banshee right now. We've got two and three foot drifts over our own driveway in places right now. I took Denny, down at the end of the driveway, a cup of hot cocoa just a short time ago. Pine Springs Road is totally pooched! There's well over a foot of snow on that! Thank heavens for all of our trees up here on top of the knob. They hold back a great deal of the snow! Makes for easier shoveling!

Oh you know it Cetawin! I ain't budging from our home! I'll just keep myself entertained with keeping the pathway from the house to the coop clear for today.
Oh heavens NO! I'm not complaining about it Tim! Good garden o peas NO! I absolutely adore the snow! We moved to our current location darned near just for the snow!
I love it! Can't get enough of it! The winter of 2008-09 was my favorite so far. That was our all time record snowfall year. Over 8 feet by the time it was all done and over with. Color me happy that year!!

We get snow on a fairly regular basis here each winter. In fact, our November this year was the snowiest on record, beating out the old record by over an inch and a half for the month. But December has been a bit disappointing up until today. Kind of hit and miss. We'd get a couple of inches and then it would warm up and melt away.
I hate mud! Give me sub freezing daytime highs any day of the week! Just keep that mud and rain away from me!

The only reason I'm on a bit of a frenzied rant about the snow today is on account of needing to get out to the base to pick up a prescription for my back. It's just the timing. But, not to worry. I have emergency pills set aside for just such an occasion as this!
I'll be just fine so long as I can get out there by tomorrow afternoon. A little prayer couldn't hurt and would indeed be welcomed!

Alright then. I have a heck of a lot more shoveling to get done kiddos, blizzard or no blizzard, bad back or no bad back. Can't let this stuff get ahead of us ya know! Take care y'all. Stay warm, stay safe, and give your chickens some extra hugs for me!

Well ok as long as your not complaining, cuz that's my job.
I hate snow and cold and rain.

Love ya
Hey y'all......sorry I've been MIA. I've been BUSY BUSY working part time for a member of our church and trying to keep up with "job hunting".

Nick - I am terribly sorry to hear about your Grandmother....I lost mine my freshman year of college and I remember it to this day. Will be praying for you and your family.

Just set my first batch of Col Rock eggs....20 are in the bator. 10 from my Canadian bunch and 10 from my Ohio bunch. Its time for CHICKS (don't tell the DW, LOL)

On a serious pastor just called. A young man who has been visiting our church via the youth group I help with was shot and killed this afternoon...appears to be a case of "playing with a loaded weapon" but details are still not clear. Another of our youth was in the house and was "upstairs in the bathroom"...details still being verified. At any rate, I have 2 families that could certainly use your prayers. Prayers for the family who lost a son today AND prayers for the youth that was there and will have to deal with this tragedy.

On the topic of prayers, Ladyhawk and Kathy, I have placed both of you and your families on our "knee mail" prayer list....know that I along with my church family are praying for you both along with your families. I KNOW that God answers prayers.....

Will check in as time allows

Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance should I not tell you in the next day or so.....
Hey Scott! Good to hear from you! Yeah, it's been awhile, hasn't it? How was your Christmas? Did you celebrate with big platters of the wonderful game meats that you and your boys harvested?
Golly but that wild hog sounds most delicious! *smacking lips together in a yummy-nummy gesture* I've had home raised pork before. It's a far cry above and beyond what you can buy in the stores. I can only imagine how scrumptious wild hog must be!

Hang in there on the job hunting Scott. I just know something good will come your way. My best friends husband just landed a new job in New Orleans. He starts next Monday! Sky had been out of work for nearly 23 months. That's a long time by anyone's standard. And a scary time too, as he came closer and closer to the end of his unemployment extensions. But he goes back to work on 1-3-11!! Proof of the power of prayer! Cuz, yeah, me and a whole bunch of our friends have been praying a long time for Sky to get a job. I know it works! Ya just gotta hang in there. And always remember: If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it as well!

I am sorry to hear about that young man and his friend. Oh the mental anguish he's likely going through. I hope he has a good deal of emotional support from family and friends about him. Of course I'll say a prayer for both families. Such a tragedy. To go so young, before he has even had a chance to experience any of the miracles that life has to offer.
What possesses kids to do such a thing? So sad. So very, very sad.
Thank you for the prayers Scott and you can count on prayers from here for the families of those young men. What a tragedy to lose a child.

Update: My father is doing much better. The medication he is be given to remove the fluid is working and the swelling in his legs has gone down some and he is feeling much better. Apparently what started out as a nasty chest bug, led to fluid building up around his heart and in his legs and so forth....after 4 trips to the MD my mother finally called his cardiologist who put him the hospital immedately to get rid of the fluid and avert any further complications. So...I am hoping the news continues to be good for Daddy and he is home soon.

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