
Glad to hear that Cetawin!!!
for a speedy and full recovery!!!
Glad to hear your dad's doing better! I have a coworker whose dad was having a very similar problem recently. He is doing better now as well

Check out my funky rooster. i think I've posted pix of him before. He is obviously an oopsie rooster. He came from someone with VERY nice quality cochins.....we thought he was a blue mottle as a chick. As he feathered out that became very obviously not the case. He has poor type, vulture hocks, etc.....what the heck happened? I wonder what could possibly have gone into making him. Very strange.

My absolutely gorgeous blue mottled pullet is from the same person, if that gives you an idea of the quality of this person's stock. SO STRANGE. She has lots of different breeds here and there, so maybe somebody escaped their pen? LOL



The child was over again today.

She was inspecting Toby's toes very closely.


Harassing poor Lucy.


Pointing out the bunnies. (that gives you a good idea of the size of the cage)


Annoying Norman. He is a BIG cat. He was not impressed. The FACE is because Grandma told her not to bother the cat and was going to "deal" with it.


I counted my baby chicks today!

Of the oldest batch of 1. 1 boy LOL

Of the 2nd oldest batch of 6 chicks.......3 definite girls, 3 definite boys.

Of the 3nd youngest batch of 13 chicks......5 definite girls, 7 definite boys, 1 maybe (leaning towards girl)

Of the youngest batch of 6 chicks......3 girls, 2 boys, 1 maybe (leaning towards boy)

so...ignoring the singleton and assuming the maybes go where I'm leaning..... 3 boys, 3 girls..... 6 boys, 7 girls.... 3 boys, 3 girls.......can't beat a nearly perfect 50% straight run. Better than nothing! 12 girls, 13 boys

I'm keeping all the the boys another month and then they will probably all go. Should be DEFINITE on the sexes by then too.

My mom was here with my neice today, so they scrambled the chickens eggs, gave them leftover popcorn and french fries, mashed potatos and green beans, older scrambled eggs and fresh out of the pan scrambled eggs. Darn spoiled rotten things. I didn't collect eggs yesterday.....and haven't checked in the coop nest box yet. But in the garage alone, I had 9 eggs yesterday and 10 today. I bet I hit a dozen today. Not bad for snow on the ground and below freezing weather.
Nella, What other breeds does that breeder have? What could that possibly be .... maybe just "one of those things!" Weird things sure do pop up sometimes!

Your niece is such a cutie! I can see she has a ball at your house!

So, you are hatching pretty close to 50-50 sex wise..... I so hope for that, or better yet, more girls! I am hatching at the moment, by the way.
Cetawin! That's GREAT news!!!
I bet you and he both, can hardly wait till he can go home! And let's face it. Home is where we all heal the best! The last time I was hospital confined, I begged and pleaded so badly to be released that Doc gave in and sent me home. Good grief! I was supposed to be resting. Who can rest with all of the racket that goes on in a hospital 24/7??

I'll be saying a few more prayers tonight for you, Daddy, and Sis, Cetawin. You sure could use a lot more good news for a change!
How is Sis doing by the way? Did she get over that bug yet? Hopefully she hasn't developed a fever and can continue with her radiation treatments!

Nella! I want that cat! Lucy! Oh heck! I'll take Norman too!!
He's a really big boy! Ain't he? How much does he weigh? Any idea? Ever weighed him? I bet he's tipping the scales at a good 15+ pounds at least! Biiiiiig kitty!!!
Lucy looks just like my Humphrey Penelope, gone lo these many years now. I still miss that cat. She was my cat. Nobody else's. Just like her Auntie Gracie was. Now there was a cat that wouldn't let me out of her sight. She'd even crawl under the covers every night to snuggle up to my belly. DH didn't much care for it. He always had some choice words when he'd come to bed, try to cuddle up, only to discover that Gracie was already there!
*sigh* I'm just so glad that you adopted Lucy. She's such a lucky little kitty to get such a wonderful home with you and the rest of your menagerie! She sure takes all of the attention from your niece in stride, doesn't she?

Well, it's still snowing! I don't think it has let up all day. At least not that I ever saw. Had to shovel the chicken yard four times just to stay on top of it. And each time, it was at least 3 or more inches that I'd remove. Some of it was blowing snow coming over the fence line from the next door neighbors, but for the most part, what I shoveled out of the chickens yard was almost entirely new fallen snow. The official amount out at the airport said that we received something like 7 or 8 inches, but I know darn well that 20 miles further west, we've gotten well over a foot. And no, I'm not measuring the drifts! Those are even deeper!

Like it or not, I must go to Fairchild tomorrow to pick up my prescription. Otherwise I shall be in serious trouble. I do so love my snow. But I really need it to stop snowing tonight and not pick up again until after I get to Fairchild in the morning. After I get there, it can snow all it wants! The more the merrier! I just need to be able to get there. I'll worry about getting back home after I have my prescription in hand!
Hmmm...I wonder if they'd let me sleep over at the furniture store? Maybe test out a couple of the bedroom sets they have on display?
OH! I know! I'll just stay at the Fairchild Inn! ROOM SERVICE!!
Poor Denny, he'll just have to do all of that shoveling without me!!
You are? Really?
OK, I'm sorry. I just had this vision of you, Kathy, popping out of a great big green egg!
and it got me to giggling!

Seriously though, what are you hatching out now woman? And are they due right now? Or are they part of the New Years hatchamathingy going on with whatstheirname? And, since you're downsizing, how does this work into your chicken math towards that end?

Hey Brandon! Yay! 4 pips!!
How many eggs in this batch? I'll keep my fingers crossed that they all make it!

OK you crazy lot. It's almost 8:30 my time. I'm heading to bed. Back is screaming at me for my indiscretions of shoveling and I gotta get up early tomorrow anyhow. Y'all have a great evening and a terrific tomorrow!
There are 9 in this batch.

LH: Glad to hear your dad is doing better. I can't believe how quick Myrtle and Crew have grown. They are staying with the two BCm girls I got in the summer.

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