
Cyn, I sure hope you gave Ike and Suede extra cuddles and treats for their heroic actions today!
Gotta love those two burly boys! Just gotta love them both!

Good news! Not only did I get the coop nice and clean, and cleared up the inside of all of their windows of the 1/4 inch of frost on the inside, but I also got into town and picked up the Tylan 50 for Chief! He had his first dose at 6:15 tonight.

If you didn't know any better, you would have thought I had been starving this poor boy all day. But no, he's had a dish of scratch grains and crumble in front of him all day long. Personally, I think he's been holding out for the scrambled eggs, yogurt and oatmeal that I had been promising all day!
I swear this bird knows exactly what I'm saying to him. He heard scrambled eggs and all, and turned his beak up at the rest of the food.
What a spoiled rotten rooster! And he and I are enjoying every minute of it! Aren't we Chief!? See that? He nodded "Yes"!

Getting the Tylan 50 into him was a piece of cake! Or should I say a small piece of whole wheat bread? Thanks for that little tip Cetawin. I measured out the dose and just squirted it onto the bread, offered it up to him, and it was gone in one bite!!
All medications should be this easy to administer!

You can sure tell that the girls miss having Chief to roost with, at the very least. When I went in to check on them tonight and tuck them in for the night, not one of my girls was on the top roosting shelf, where Chief always sleeps. I guess without him, nobody wants to roost that high. Even Maggie, known for finding the highest perch in the coop, was down on the middle shelf with Lisette and Cosette.

Chief being absent has changed the entire order of roosting in the whole coop. I just hope they can all make the adjustment back to the way things were when he returns to his family.
I'm sure there will be a few scuffles the first few nights as they sort things out. I just don't want those silly women stressing him out so soon after his recovery. Hmmm...maybe I'll keep him a few days more in the pump house after his pneumonia clears up entirely. The last thing I want is for him to have a relapse.

Well, it's been a very long day that started around 5:00 am for me, and no nap all day long! I'm pooped! Chief looks like he's ready to tuck his head behind his wing and head off to dream land himself. So, take care y'all. Stay warm, hug your chickens, and I'll catch up to y'all tomorrow.
What a day! And
for chief! Hopefully he'll be better in no time. I need to clean out my coop tomorrow....
Luckily it's only 5x3.

Cyn, wasn't Lexie not doing well went you went out of town? How is she now? Sometimes I don't read through the WHOLE thread when I'm not on here for a while... excuse me if you already said.
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Nick...I just noticed your signature....thought I would tell you something...Mille Fleur is a color variation one of the colors of the Beligian d'Uccle. I have porcelains and had a pair of Mille Fleurs. Great little birds...get some!

Amy...glad Chief is taking his medicine, so to speak, make sure he gets lots of yogurt afterwards to help give him back his natural bacteria.
Always late to this party

Amy i hope Chief is doing better! I know when my patsy was sick i just wished she could tell me what was wrong - suckers we are for these feathered friends of ours!

Considering trying my first hand at incubating - have that incubator just staring at me and i am terrified! LOL I know there is always loss BUT - my friend has Japanese Bantams as a "side" breed and he has offered some eggs to give it a shot with . One silly question all - when you mark your eggs what are you using - a pencil ? And any major words of advice would help. My other fear is they will all hatch and then i will become addicted!

Hope everyone is well and your first days of this year and decade have started well - and why is it after you hit 30 New Years eve take like 2-3 days to get over? LOL

You can mark eggs with anything and it won't make a difference, but I use pencil. It just looks neat and when I take pictures for my egg business it looks very nice. Good luck with your hatching!
For hatching, I mark my eggs with Sharpies. For general eating use, I would use a pencil if I needed to mark them.

Pencil wears off when under a broody and is hard to see in an incubator. Sharpies don't hurt the eggs.

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