
Oh I got to see lockedhearts son of Suede yesterday, WOWZA! Such a beautiful boy!

Cynthia-good luck with your hatch!!! and give DH a slug to the shoulder for payback
Mine accuses me of beatin him in his sleep... I'll never tell

Picked me up a cabinet bator yesterday, from her as well . Gotta do a few fixes, then hopefully get it tested and up n runnin. I can't wait!!!

We're prepping for the storm thats comin in tonight... gotta haul hay to cows, get water stocked up incase we lose power, etc.. joy joy... I need a bigger generator!!!

Yall stay warm!!!
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Ah, you saw Junior! He's a big fella, isn't he? Karen loves him.

ETA: I added three Orp eggs to the bator from today, so there are 6 each from Dusty and Smoky and one from Meg, to make an even 20 eggs total. I'm sure some may not develop or have been missed on the fertility conveyor belt so certainly, they won't all hatch.
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Oy vey, why is it so cold? I worked outside for 2-3 hours this morning....wearing thin pajama pants. I am not a genius.

I did get things mostly ready for "the storm". Cleaned out the 4x8 hutch in the big rooster pen....finally got a big roost installed in there. Moved a covered cat litterbox in there for a nest box. Hung the big metal feeder and a new waterer.....filled it full of an entire bale of clean fluffy shavings. Then I moved my bantam mottled cochin flock in there. They will stay locked up for the storm....that will keep them out of the weather and also get them used to staying in that coop. The whopping 2 bantam roosters that were in that pen got moved to my covered 8x8 pen that has a rabbit hutch....where the mottled cochins used to live.

Refreshed all the hay in the nestboxes, filled the rabbit hutch for the roosters full of hay....filled the duck crate full of fresh hay and tossed a few flakes into the big coop too. Planning on going out with some plastic tonight to recover the windows that keep coming uncovered and to cover half the mesh doors on the 4x8 hutch and all the brooders.

I'm ready to rock and roll.....or rather, freeze and shiver.

Feels like its time for a nap! ha ha ha
We just spent time filling waterers and feeders, too, Janelle. Dang, it was cold this morning, about 10 degrees! Got a load of wood from the quarter horse farm down the road, for just $50. Good deal and he gave DH some miscellaneous wood for free, so we're once again set for awhile. That was pure luck finding wood anywhere this morning.

Nugget wants out of the Firetower, but it's too cold here for 2 and 3 week old chicks to go outside on the damp ground. This time of year is not the best time because of that. They can't learn to scratch and dig, etc like they can in warmer weather. Broodies and chicks are usually outside by three or four days old, but not this time. Brrrr! On a bright note, I see no sign of pink combs on the three D'Uccles at three weeks old, so could I have possibly picked up three girls? Can't believe that luck if I did.
If that doesn't jinx you right there, nothing will!

Nella, you exhaust me just reading everything you got done in only 2 or 3 hours! And in your pajama's no less!
Could I maybe adopt you? You could come live with DH and I. You'll never want for more flat ground room for your chickens again!
You just handle all of the chores and we'll give you room and board in exchange! Sound like a good deal? Hey! You could even bring that nasty old horse of yours with ya too! Plenty of room here for her as well. Might have to build her something that resembles a barn, but you're good at construction too, so not a problem there!

Chief is getting just a wee bit antsy to return to his girls, but in light of the forecast, and the fact that his hackles and chest feathers are not quite all the way back yet, I'm going to make him stay in the pump house for a few days more. He's being such a good boy about the whole thing. So long as I lavish him with love and attention and some choice goodies, he seems to be willing to forgo the pleasure of the girl's company. Actually, I think he's starting to enjoy the peace and quiet!
Any time I tell him of the shenanigans that his girls have been up to, it seems he wants to change the subject to what the evening's meal might consist of!!
Well I didn't even mention how my old dog had an accident while I was out working, so I also got out the carpet cleaner and did part of the living room carpet and also mopped the kitchen floor.....and showered, took the truck to fill up the gas tank and picked up some food.

Now i'm ready for my nap. How about I just send you my worthless horse and I'll stay here?
You're wearing me out, Janelle! I got up close with the three D'Uccles and darn it, I do think I see at least one slightly pink comb. I'd say within a week, I'll know for sure. Riley's boy is going to be so handsome, blue barred with a single comb like daddy Ike.

Ah I remember times like those. My DH came back from one of his deployments (was gone 16 months) and had been home about a week and during the night I felt myself flying off the bed and crashing into the wall to find him standing over me, crouched saying "ssshhh they're coming, stay down". I snarled "Move no one is coming but if you throw me into a wall again, you are moving right to the morque!" He woke up and was confused as to why I was threatening to kill him and why he was standing on my side of the bed with me on the floor and says "did you fall out of bed?"

Now did I read that there are Suede babies in a bator?
Maybe I can actually get a Dusty baby this time. But I love my Smoky babies. Sorry about the caller ID Cyn...I did check it but there were tons of incoming and outgoing calls to her friends and I did not go through the long list. That is what I get for leaving my phone with her...but she has no minutes on her phone and I did not want her by herself without a phone. I shall beat her later and give her only bread and water for dinner.

As to the date of the get together...I am waiting to hear back from Beth as to her husband's work schedule...we are looking at the weekend of the 22nd (third weekend) because she cannot come the second weekend. She is bringing Cyn with so that is important.

Brandon...we are getting snow again Mon, Tues, Wed so keep Boone comfy right where he is for a bit. LOL

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