
Morning all. Well I shoveled my way to the barn and the Diva was NOT at all happy about the current weather affair and having to wait for me to get to her...she could see me but I was not getting closer fast enough and she was in her stall squealing the roof off the barn, She is cranky because she has not been for her daily walks for 3 days somehow it is just not good enough to get to walk inside the barn, she wants to get out and see stuff problem has been she would not be able to see anything outside the barn with the blowing snow. *sigh*

Scott I will not make fun of you...I would have helped you put more blankies out there for her. She looks like a sweetie pie. My husband has been "chosen" by a cat as well...our barn cat has decided that he belongs to her, she sits with him, follows him and disses him when he has been gone


and when he is gone, she gets into trouble with me getting into stuff and places she should not be this picture was taken before I tossed her furry butt off because DH says his sweet girl would not get on the counters HA!


IT IS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yes, this is an issue caused by an improperly built hoop top. That's my fault, it was my first try! I will rebuild it this year using 3/4" instead of 1/2" and with more hoops and small spacing between them. The problem now is that the weight and volume is so great that it has permanent bent and broken the top. I did unhook part of the tarp and one of the hoops itself broke, so was able to knock most of the snow off.

Before (you can see the bottom of the tarp hanging BELOW the wood at the top)


The cochin coop was having some issues also.


That roof isn't going anywhere, but I couldn't open the doors! so I brushed it all off.

The birds were fine and dandy.


It was snowing here this morning too.!!
I still have about 9 inches on the ground. I have found that since I sink in it, I do not slide. I have been all over the hill. Today I have not gone out much except to care for the hens and to clean poop boards. The wind is terrible. This morning it and the temp felt like it was below zero. My hens have clear runny noses. I don't know if its just the cold or something bad. It is not interfering with egg laying or activity of more than one. She ;I had isolated and is still isolated. I can not get out until tomorrow to get any med. Beth said to try tylan but no one can get in either. Even if I orded it from the internet. the mail has not come for two days. Someone plowed out my road but it is a icy mess still. I will try tomorrow to get out. Hope we all have a break later this weekend from the mess but it has been beautiful. Gloria Jean
What really P#$$ me off is that folks don't realize that they aren't paying for the chicken, THEY'RE PAYING FOR THE FEED AND TIME CARING FOR THEM! Sorry but I've posted to craigs and I have no idea what folks think their going to get for $3. Then I suppose some folks just don't care what they get for their money and then e-mail me when the crap bird they bought doesn't lay.

I have one friend I won't sell or give birds to cuz she just has such a laize faire atitude about her birds. The hawks gets it, so what just get another. She doesn't feed them enough for them to have the energy to lay an egg. Good garden o' peas!

Sorry, did you ever have one of those days where you are just ornery and contrary about everything?

Oh and just so you know it's my fault your getting snow down south cuz I prayed that God would give me an easy winter. I have such a hard time with snow. We hardly got anything. Even this storm coming up the coast is going to miss us. At least that's what predicted. Even as it is the cold makes my arthritis hurt real bad. Lord knows if I could I'd stay home and inside all winter. Just go out to feed and water the chickens, and boy are they eating up a storm. Lord have mercy I hope I have enough money to keep them fed.
Well take care


Sheesh, is she still losing birds? Every time I lose one-I have a mini stroke.
The last one was that lav ameraucana pullet...I still haven't gotten over it and that was 3 months ago. Every time I think of it, I get so ticked off!

I've gone through a 50 lb bag of game bird feed in week! Those stinkers are eating me out of house and home. I went to JJ's and bought a 100 lbs of their grower (higher protein content than layer), cheaper and a hell of a lot fresher. The girls love it! I just put calcium in a hanging container on the side. Thank God, I've only got a couple of RIR's still molting. Now I'll be able to use all of those egg cartons people have been giving me! Someone want to explain to me why they prefer to go nekkid in this weather!! LOL

Take care...Trish
Good Afternoon my SDWD family!

This morning has been......hmmm....interesting? Not sure what term to go with. Woke up late [dang stupid insomnia!
] and so got started late. Chief was waiting like a very good boy, up on his table in the pump house. He couldn't wait to jump up on my shoulder as I sat down to my usual morning routine of waking up in front of the computer.
He's such a lover these days! He just can't get enough attention from Mama!

Couldn't sit around for long as we have about 4 or 5 inches of new snow sitting out there, and a foreboding forecast of a half inch of rain coming later tonight. On top of 4 or 5 inches of semi fluffy snow, this is not a good thing! Had to get it all shoveled off before it had the chance to become an even bigger mess!

I was every bit of being about an hour late by the time I got over to the coops to let the hooligans out. And OMG! Little Lisette was having a very rough time of things. I swear that rotten Dottie has been keeping that poor little thing away from all sources of feed for about three days now. I had no idea she wasn't getting anywhere near enough calories until I witnessed Lisette stumbling around. I took a chance, because other than this profound weakness, she has exhibited no other signs of illness of any kind, I put her in the pump house with Chief. She immediately dived head first into his food dish and commenced to wolfing down food like there was no tomorrow.

The strange thing, is that every day, I give Maggie, Lisette and Cosette their own dish of food to eat at their leisure up on the top shelf in the coop. I had honestly thought that Lisette was getting enough. Imagine my surprise when she acted as weak as a day old kitten this morning.

Anyhow, she's in the pump house with Chief, she's eating up a storm, acting much stronger already, and Chief is in absolute heaven to have another chicken to talk to, even if she is just a child!
Very surprising to me, is that Chief still wants a great deal of attention and loving from ME!
I thought for sure that he'd completely give me the brush off once he had someone else to talk to out here. But no, he still wants lovin' from Mama. Just astounding! I guess this bond he feels runs deeper than even I suspected. I love my boy!!!

I'm going to keep Lisette in here for a couple of days for observation. I hope like heck that I don't end up with the whole fam damily in here!
One can only deal with so much chicken poo on their pump house floor ya know!
And the only reason that would happen is because Maggie is still largely inseparable from her girls. So, to keep everyone happy, I just might have to bring Maggie and Cosette in here as well. Oh BOY! Wouldn't Chief be in 7th Heaven with that idea!?!
Alright woman, you can't just give us deets like that without a pic or two! I gotta see Chief and Lisette in the pump house!
Snow....sister, you can keep it! I've had enough and it really hasn't been a bad winter and well, ya can't even go south anymore! LOL

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