
I will be SWIMMING and FISHING in May....I'll feel bad for you, from "afar"

Haven't you heard of ICE FISHING?
I have heard of it but refuse to do it.

I love to fish....but if it came down to cuttin' a hole in the ice and freezin' my fannie off to do it....COUNT ME OUT
Like I said before, I am from Georgia and these Michigan winters are just far too long and cold. Been here for 20 something years and it seems like the older I get the longer the winter gets
I just stay indoors for the 6 months of winter.
Hey should have seen Joleta the other morning...she is standing in her stall, her head over the stall looking at me coming with breakfast and not getting any closer...I had to shovel my way from house to barn. She was not impressed with that and was squealing up a storm...then I get to her stall with breakfast and she gives me this "Will you just look at this" look as she is starring at a huge pile of snow that had built up outside the gate to her stall from blowing against the side of the barn. So...I shoveled that away too and then shoveled my way to the camper in my pasture where Sarah's birds are. I am not a snow shovel person....I intend to buy or make snow shoes just in case next year is the same.

Okay the trip to the library was not bad...I did some wonderful slides on our road but everywhere else was pretty good and clear. Then...I got to the library and had left my library card at the house so I had to then dig in my wallet for that horrible driver's license which looks like the picture of a strung out convict on it so I could pay my little .40 late fee and get more books. As I am looking through the crafting section of books I started to feel uncomfortably warm so I headed for the checkout counter where Cheyenne was checking out her books. As I am standing there waiting, I am feeling more and more like I am going to be very sick so I said...Cheyenne, checkout my books for me while I run to the restroom. She looked at me and said "Mom, are you okay?" I told her No and I started moving quickly for the doors. I got to the lobby and across to the alcove for the restroom when everything started spinning and I hit the floor and wall hard. I fainted and was out for only a couple of seconds but I sat there on the floor in a position that made me very thankful I was wearing pants and not a skirt...and several people walked by and never so much as noticed me. So...I managed to get into the bathroom and get sick as Cheyenne came in freaking out. So, I spent 20 minutes sitting on the bathroom counter before I felt well enough to drive home.

I came home and layed down in my recliner for a bit trying to figure out what the world happened. It dawned on me a little bit ago that this morning I got up and fixed coffee, cooked breakfast for everyone but did not feel like eating myself, followed Cheyenne around feeding and watering animals and spent about an hour visiting with Sarah when she stopped by. I took my blood pressure medication with my coffee this morning but never ate...if I do not eat when I take it or within a couple of hours, it will make me sick. So...I suppose that coupled with the insane heat blowing through the library did me in. I feel fine now and have only a bruised knee and nice little bump on my head from greeting the marble wall.

But...I got to see Sarah for the first time since before that was nice. I missed seeing her. she got to meet Joleta too...Jo was typical Diva...

Hi new female person, stay right there and let me sniff do not smell like carrots so...time to go back to my new mama.

LOL Sarah liked her though in spite of her Divaish assessment and dismissal. LOL
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The barn is a Web Steel building out of Sandy Oregon and it's 30X70 and the only thing that my
son and I didn't do was the cement slab because I am old and that was $13,500 it is 6" thick
as far as the cost for the building I could tell ya but I would have to kill ya after.
LH, I am disgusted that folks walked right by you! I'm glad you made it home. Take care of yourself, too. Seems everyone is depending on you these days, including me!

On a bright note, it looks like the three D'uccles I picked out are a trio! The male and maybe one female appear to be blue Mille fleurs, too.
Thanks all. I am fine now and I know better than to not eat with blood pressure meds but I was not hungry and I simple forgot to eat before leaving. Plus they had the heat blasting like an inferno in there, the county will love that electric bill, but it is just got to me.

Frankly, not that I needed assistance, I still found it quite unnerving that a person can be on the floor with legs in an unnatural position and no one take notice and try to help or get help. Had it been in the reverse, I would ran to the person and offered assistance or at least asked if they were okay. I mean really how long does it take? But all is well now.

Scott, I have about 8 inches that is just staying and I have more snow coming Saturday *sigh* My birds and my horse are plotting are against me because they have not been out in a week almost. I will walk in the coop here soon and be attacked by all of them at once if I am not careful...I got MAJOR stinkeye from them this morning. hahahaha

Cyn...that is awesome a trio is perfect! I love that little Dellie being well a Dellie
Poor Nugget, someone should have warned her about those children, they are the worst for getting into stuff.
Ummmmmm No come North there is flat land and some rolling hills right next door...112 acres for sale we can split it...I will take one side of the road and you can take the other.
I am waiting for the estate of the woman to clear for it to formally go on sale...she just passed about a month ago and probabte will take about 6 months to be to a sale point. So...I am watching. I do not want the property bought and divided and tons of traffic added to our road...when you see it, you will understand why. LOL

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