
Hey.... just one more hour ..... Nifty will be on TV! Did you all already know this?
Confessions: Animal Hoarding on Animal Planet, about chickens!

Honestly, I never watch TV. I had to find what channel it was on. I think I will watch this one.
Where the heck do you live .... paradise?
You are so lucky!

He said they worked. I can't remember how cold out it was though, or how long it lasted.
I'm going out of town next weekend and was just thinking that maybe I could use those to avoid having to pay my neighbor to come break ice and lug buckets of water down the hill. Maybe I will have to do a trial run this week. I bought some tonight from Wally World. It would just be for the mottled coop and the tractor. Actually nevermind....I guess they won't stay warm for 3 days! LOL
Kathy, y'all love our place so much...wanna trade? Straight across. My house for your house. My flock for your flock. Your pond/lake for my arid desert.

I love seeing all the great pics, but, ummm, where's a nice picture of your house??? Come on! Ya gotta at least show a picture of the house from the front yard! How am I gonna know when I've got the right place when I pay you a surprise visit someday?!?!?

Nick, use a Photobucket account. It's the easiest route to posting pics here that I've ever found. Use the "IMG" code line to copy and paste to the thread and you'll have no problems what so ever. But do preview it first before you hit the submit button just to be sure you've got it the way you want it!

Back to Kathy for a moment: In my book, a pond is a pond if it's less than 20 acres and a depth of five feet or less. Anything larger than that, and I consider it a lake. Either way, yours sure makes for a beautiful landscape feature. Is it there year round? Is it spring fed? Are there any fish in it? Surely there are at least turtles? Around these parts, every small pond/lake has turtles in it at the very least.

Cynthia, I sooooo wish you were willing to ship chicks. I'd take every single one of those Del babies in a freaking heart beat!! Oh yes I would!!!

Back to Kathy again real quick: Hey girl, you mentioned awhile back that you used DE to help dry out your runs. How much did you use to how much of an area, and how bad was the water? Did you have standing water, or was it just simply muddy? I had absolute standing water in the boys yard yesterday, of which today it's all mud about 3 inches deep or so. Mud all the way up past their spurs in some places! The poor dears!!
All I have is that 50# bag and between the boys yard and the main coop, I'm beginning to wonder if that's enough. But, I've never used it for that purpose before, so I have no idea how far this stuff will go towards drying up the mess out there a bit. Any advice is always welcome!

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