
I don't know about her delawares but I have some of speckledhen's delawares... I will have some eggs available in about 6 to 8 weeks... I can look up my reference on the lineage...Nice flock.

(Here's the lineage info: Jesse McDaniel and William Meier and some Sandhill Preservation for diversity.)
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Just got power back on after 5 1/2 hours and babies hatching in the bator! Went out at 1:30 a.m. and DH already had the generator and extension cords ready to provide power to both bators, the brooder and the Firetower where there are four youngsters.

One porcelain is almost fluffed out, a mille fleur d'anver has just hatched, four others are pipped out of the nine. The only pip I can see in the standard size babies is one EE (or Ameraucana, don't know which it is). Today is Day 20.
New babies here this morning-have 2 porcelains and 1 mille fleur hatched.

Beautiful babies...I just hatched out the farm's first babies from our coronation sussex will post pics after chores..
Good morning, Nancy!
I am finding my Coronation Sussex to be great layers! Are you? I have so darn many eggs from my Sussex pens! This is wonderful, because these are used as our eating eggs. I have not hatched any chicks from these, but Ladyhawk is going to. I do think they are beautiful birds. I love all the varieties of Sussex.
At this point, I'm getting steady amounts of eggs!!! Now they aren't white leghorns
but steady amounts and that's what I like to see! I wanted to wait to sell any until I had fully developed and beautiful healthy chicks and now I have..... THey are so strong even as babies and super sweet. I love the large size of these and their overwhelming sweetness! I want to double this flock, if the Lord is willing and the incubators keep working! Have a blessed day. Nancy
I am a chicken granny! I gave some delaware and welsummer eggs to a new member. I was saving them for a broody but since that didn't happen I gave them away. He hatched out 4 of each.

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